1 unstable release

0.0.1 Aug 1, 2024

#32 in #rectangle

Used in stara

MIT license

225 lines


int_math is a Rust crate providing mathematical abstractions for 2D vectors and rectangles. It includes:

  • VectorU: A 2D vector with unsigned integer coordinates.
  • VectorI: A 2D vector with signed integer coordinates.
  • RectU: A rectangle with unsigned integer coordinates for position and size.
  • RectI: A rectangle with signed integer coordinates for position and unsigned integer dimensions.


  • Vector Operations: Supports basic arithmetic operations for VectorU and VectorI.
  • Rectangles: Provides methods to create and manipulate rectangles, including calculating centers and applying offsets.


Add int_math to your Cargo.toml:

int_math = "0.1"  # Replace with the latest version

Then, use it in your code:

use int_math::{RectU, VectorU};

let rect = RectU::new(10, 20, 30, 40);
let center = rect.center();
println!("Center: {:?}", center);


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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