#hyprland #cli #qtile

app hyprqtile

Qtile-like workspaces and monitors management for the Hyprland compositor

8 releases

0.1.7 Jun 19, 2024
0.1.6 Jun 19, 2024

#538 in Command line utilities

Download history 534/week @ 2024-06-13 213/week @ 2024-06-20 12/week @ 2024-06-27 55/week @ 2024-07-04 3/week @ 2024-07-25

125 downloads per month

GPL-3.0 license

135 lines


Crates.io Version

Qtile-like workspaces and monitors management for the Hyprland compositor that uses hyprland-rs to communicate with the compositor's sockets.



cargo install hyprqtile

[!WARNING] Make sure that ~/.cargo/bin is in your PATH


bind = SUPER, 1, exec, hyprqtile --workspace 1
bind = SUPER, 2, exec, hyprqtile --workspace 2
bind = SUPER, 3, exec, hyprqtile --workspace 3
bind = SUPER, 4, exec, hyprqtile --workspace 4

bind = SUPER, right, exec, hyprqtile --next
bind = SUPER, left, exec, hyprqtile --previous


this program satisfies my needs, but if you want to add a feature, feel free to open a PR. I don't use (nor understand) nix, so adding some nix magic to support it would be awesome.


  • add tests
  • add shell completions
  • add movetoworkspace dispatcher
  • add aur

thanks to


~222K SLoC