Cargo Features

hyperlight-host = { version = "0.3.0", default-features = false, features = ["seccomp", "executable_heap", "print_debug", "crashdump", "kvm", "mshv2", "mshv3", "inprocess", "gdb", "fuzzing"] }
default = kvm, mshv2, seccomp

These default features are set whenever hyperlight-host is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

seccomp default

Enables seccompiler

Affects signal_handlers::sigsys_signal_handler

function_call_metrics executable_heap

This feature enables printing of debug information to stdout in debug builds


Dumps the VM state to a file on unexpected errors or crashes. The path of the file will be printed on stdout and logged. This feature can only be used in debug builds.

Enables tempfile

kvm default

Enables kvm-bindings and kvm-ioctls

mshv2 default

Enables mshv-bindings =0.2.1 and mshv-ioctls =0.2.1


Enables mshv-bindings =0.3.2 and mshv-ioctls =0.3.2


This enables easy debug in the guest

Enables gdbstub and gdbstub_arch


Enables fuzzing of hyperlight-common