4 releases

0.0.4 Feb 16, 2023
0.0.3 Nov 16, 2021
0.0.2 May 12, 2021
0.0.1 May 12, 2021

#631 in Compression

MIT license

420 lines

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Huffman Encoder and Decoder Library

Example usage


huff_tree_tap = "*" # You can specify a version here if you want
extern crate huff_tree_tap;
use  huff_tree_tap::*;

let data: Vec<u8> = "this is a test string!".to_string().into_bytes();
let huffman_data: HuffmanData = huffman_encode(&data);
let encoded_data: Vec<u8> = huffman_data.encoded_data; // The given data encoded
let encoding_map: HashMap<u8,String> = huffman_data.encoding_map; // The encoding map required to decode the data


~33K SLoC