Hubcaps is used at run time in 13 crates.

Number of dependers Hubcaps version Downloads/month
6 0.6.2 150
2 0.5.0 120
2 0.4.10 52
2 0.3.16 23
1 0.2.8 11
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Hubcaps version
160 ruled-labels ^0.6.2
1 glabellib ^0.6
cargo-contribute ^0.4.2
cargo-thanks ^0.4
cathulhu ^0.2
ghopac ^0.3.12
semantic-rs ^0.3
glabel ^0.6
micro-ci ^0.5.0
gh-labels-cli ^0.6.2
gh_actions ^0.6.2
pony-playground ^0.5.0
rustars ^0.6