3 releases

0.1.2 Dec 25, 2023
0.1.1 Dec 25, 2023
0.1.0 Dec 25, 2023

#21 in #response-headers

MIT license

305 lines

Rust HTTP Library

This Rust library provides basic functionality for handling HTTP requests and generating HTTP responses. It consists of two modules: httprequest for parsing incoming HTTP requests and httpresponse for creating HTTP responses.


To use http-rust in your Rust project, add the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

http-rust = "0.1.0"

Alternatively, you can run the following Cargo command in your project directory:

cargo add http-rust

httprequest Module



  • Represents the resource path in an HTTP request.


  • Represents an incoming HTTP request.
  • Fields:
    • method: HTTP method (Get, Post, or Uninitialized).
    • version: HTTP version (V1_1, V2_0, or Uninitialized).
    • resource: Resource path (Path).
    • headers: HashMap containing request headers.
    • msg_body: String containing the message body.


impl From<String> for HttpRequest

  • Converts a raw HTTP request string into an HttpRequest struct.

fn process_req_line(s: &str) -> (Method, Resource, Version)

  • Processes the request line to extract method, resource, and version.

fn process_req_header(s: &str) -> (String, String)

  • Processes a request header line to extract key and value.



  • Represents HTTP methods (Get, Post, or Uninitialized).


  • Represents HTTP versions (V1_1, V2_0, or Uninitialized).


  • Unit tests are provided in the tests module to ensure proper functionality.

httpresponse Module



  • Represents an HTTP response.
  • Fields:
    • version: HTTP version.
    • status_code: HTTP status code.
    • status_text: HTTP status text.
    • headers: Optional HashMap containing response headers.
    • body: Optional response body.


fn new(status_code: &'a str, headers: Option<HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>>, body: Option<String>) -> HttpResponse<'a>

  • Creates a new HttpResponse instance with the specified status code, headers, and body.

fn send_response(&self, write_stream: &mut impl Write) -> Result<()>

  • Sends the HTTP response to the provided write stream.

From Trait Implementation

impl<'a> From<HttpResponse<'a>> for String

  • Converts an HttpResponse into a formatted HTTP response string.


  • Unit tests are provided in the tests module to ensure proper functionality.

Usage Example

use http_rust::httprequest::HttpRequest;
use http_rust::httpresponse::HttpResponse;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    // Parse incoming HTTP request
    let request_str = "GET /greeting HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:3000\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.64.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n";
    let request: HttpRequest = request_str.into();

    // Create an HTTP response
    let headers = Some({
        let mut h = HashMap::new();
        h.insert("Content-Type", "text/html");
    let body = Some("Hello, world!".to_string());
    let response = HttpResponse::new("200", headers, body);

    // Send the response
    let mut write_stream = Vec::new();
    response.send_response(&mut write_stream).unwrap();
    let response_str = String::from_utf8(write_stream).unwrap();

    println!("Received Request: {:?}", request);
    println!("Generated Response: {}", response_str);


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Feel free to customize and extend the library based on your specific use case and requirements. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please refer to the provided unit tests or reach out for support.

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