#color-space #color-conversion #rgb #color #hsl #conversion

bin+lib hsl-ish

A dead simple implementation of the HSL color space; indended for conversion to the RGB color space

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 2, 2020

#24 in #hsl

MIT license

123 lines


A dead simple, accurate enough (see the tests) implementation of the HSL color space in rust.


I couldn't find the right implementation of the color space for one of my visualization project (none of the known to me implementations at the time implemented implemented the HSL-RGB conversion), so I decided to create my own, tiny and dead simple implementation.


The HSL-RGB conversion (Rgb::from(hsl: Hsl)) currently appears to give results that are one-off from the expected ones under certain conditions (see: issue).


Any contributions, be it bug fixes or new features, are greatly appreciated 😁.


The original implementation of the algorithm used to convert between the spaces was written by the author of the mjijackson blog in javascript. (A repost of the original blog post).

No runtime deps