#vr-chat #avatar #reset #manage #local-player-moderations #shown

app hooligan

Manages VRChat LocalPlayerModerations file

1 stable release

1.0.0 Jun 29, 2024

#189 in Games


168 lines


Hooligan is a utility that resets manually shown avatars in VRChat before each play session.

Installation and Usage

  1. Download hooligan.exe from the latest release to a location of your choice. Make note of where you saved it.
  2. In Steam, change the VRChat launch option to <INSTALL_LOCATION>\hooligan.exe %command%, where <INSTALL_LOCATION> is where you saved hooligan.exe. For example, if you saved it to C:\Users\Tupper\Downloads\ then you should use C:\Users\Tupper\Downloads\hooligan.exe %command% as the Steam launch option.

Hooligan will now automatically run as you start VRChat.


Why make Hooligan?

I personally use very aggressive performance rank settings to save my FPS, so find it annoying when I manually show someone's avatar and then a year later I run into them again in the least optimized avatar I've ever seen. Hooligan solves this problem by making all manually shown avatars temporary to a single play session.

What does Hooligan do?

It just edits your LocalPlayerModerations file to remove all shown avatar entries. This file has a .vrcset extension and contain data on players for whom you've manually shown or hidden their avatar.

What's up with the weird Steam launch option?

When you pass %command% the Steam launch options for a game, it does NOT run the game command. It instead executes the entire launch options as a command, and the actual game launch command is substituted in where %command% is.

So C:\hooligan.exe %command% will become C:\hooligan.exe C:\Steam\steamapps\common\VRChat\launch.exe, or in desktop mode C:\hooligan.exe C:\Steam\steamapps\common\VRChat\launch.exe --no-vr

After Hooligan cleans up your LocalPlayerModerations file it will take those launch options and run them to start VRChat.

Note that you can still use Hooligan without this process launching behavior simply by not passing any arguments to it.

Why is this called Hooligan?

VRChat Local Player Moderation Manager is too long, and this is used to unshow hooligans' avatars before they change into something with terrible performance while you're not playing. Also, I like the word "hooligan".

Why does my antivirus hate Hooligan?

  • Antivirus software dislikes unsigned code, and I'm not paying upwards of 50 USD per year for a code signing cert.
  • I'm definitely not paying upwards of 250 USD per year for a more trusted EV (extended validation) code signing cert.
  • Some antivirus software conflates a lack of C-style struct and function definitions with obfuscation. Spoiler alert: this application isn't written in C.
  • It's not my job to fix antivirus false positives. I'm not going to spend my time begging various antivirus vendors to fix their shit.

Installing from Source

  1. Install Rust
  2. cargo install hooligan

Building from Source

  1. Install Rust
  2. Clone the project
  3. cargo build --release


Copyright 2024

Hooligan is provided under the GPL-3.0 license.

No runtime deps