8 releases (breaking)

0.7.0 Nov 16, 2023
0.6.0 May 7, 2023
0.5.0 Sep 14, 2022
0.4.0 Aug 3, 2022
0.1.1 May 21, 2022

#478 in Visualization

MIT license


hlbc-cli Crates.io

Hashlink bytecode disassembler, decompiler and analyzer command line interface.

This crate is a program, see hlbc for the core bytecode library or hlbc-decompiler for the decompiler library



Download a prebuilt binary from the releases page (built from the CI, Windows & Linux).

Or build from the latest version :

cargo install hlbc-cli

Or build the crate from the latest sources :

git clone https://github.com/Gui-Yom/hlbc
cd hlbc-cli
cargo build --release
# The resulting binary can be found in ../target/release


hlbc <file> [-c <command>] [-w <command>]

You get access to a prompt where you can enter commands.

You can execute commands on startup with the -c switch. e.g. Dump all strings from the bytecode then exit : hlbc main.hl -c "s ..; exit". If you omit the exit command, the app will simply launch the normal prompt after executing the startup commands.

With -w, the given command will execute each time the file changes. The cli won't show a command prompt.

You can also pass a .hx file containing Haxe source code directly to be compiled on the fly if the haxe compiler is present in the PATH.


  • exit Exit the program
  • help Help message
  • explain <op> Get information about an opcode
  • wiki Open the bytecode wiki page in a browser
  • info General information about the bytecode
  • entrypoint Get the bytecode entrypoint
  • i|int <idx> Get the int at index
  • f|float <idx> Get the float at index
  • s|string <idx> Get the string at index
  • sstr <str> Find a string
  • d|debugfile <idx> Get the debug file name at index
  • sfile <str> Find the debug file named
  • t|type <idx> Get the type at index
  • g|global <idx> Get global at index
  • c|constant <idx> Get constant at index
  • n|native <idx> Get native at index
  • fnh <findex> Get header of function (findex)
  • fn <findex> Get function (findex)
  • sfn <str> Get function named
  • infile <idx|str> Find functions in file
  • fileof <findex> Get the file where findex is defined
  • refto <any@idx> Find references to a given bytecode element
  • saveto <filename> Serialize the bytecode to a file
  • callgraph <findex> <depth> Create a dot call graph from a function and a max depth
  • decomp <findex> Decompile a function
  • decompt <idx> Decompile a class


In most of the commands that accept an index, you can pass a Rust style range too : a..b, ..b, a.., a..=b, ... Where ..10 means 'select the first 10 items' and .. means 'display everything'.


The decompiler has its own crate ! More info here.




A wiki detailing the specifics of Hashlink bytecode is available here or by using the command wiki.

Planned features

  • Use commands as expressions in arguments to other commands to compose analysis like fn (entrypoint) to display the entry function or refto (sstr Hello)


~205K SLoC