#mimble-wimble #grin #command-line-interface #crypto #higher-level


Simple, private and scalable cryptocurrency implementation based on the MimbleWimble chain format

12 stable releases (4 major)

5.3.1 May 14, 2024
5.1.0 Mar 22, 2022
5.0.1 Jan 11, 2021
4.0.0 Jul 2, 2020
1.1.0 Jun 5, 2019

#2540 in Magic Beans

48 downloads per month
Used in 9 crates (6 directly)


10K SLoC

Continuous Integration Coverage Status Chat Support Release Version License

Grin Wallet

This is the reference implementation of Grin's wallet. It consists of 2 major pieces:

  • The Grin Wallet APIs, which are intended for use by Grin community wallet developers. The wallet APIs can be directly linked into other projects or invoked via a JSON-RPC interface.

  • A reference command-line wallet, which provides a baseline wallet for Grin and demonstrates how the wallet APIs should be called.


To use the command-line wallet, we recommend using the latest release from the Releases page. There are distributions for Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Full documentation outlining how to use the command line wallet can be found on Grin's Wiki


Apache License v2.0


Higher level wallet functions which can be used by callers to operate on the wallet, as well as helpers to invoke and instantiate wallets and listeners


~558K SLoC