#version-manager #goup #golang #tool #package-manager #env-var #rust

yanked goup-consts

goup is an elegant Go version manager

6 releases

0.3.0 Jan 18, 2024
0.2.9 Dec 29, 2023
0.2.5 Nov 30, 2023

#57 in #version-manager


99 lines


goup is an elegant Go version manager.

Rust Licence Tag

There are a bunch of solutions to install Go or manage Go versions outside of a package manager: golang/dl, getgo, gvm, goenv, to name a few.

goup is an attempt to fulfill the above features and is heavily inspired by Rustup, golang/dl, goup and getgo.




cargo install goup-rs --git https://github.com/thinkgos/goup-rs


cargo install goup-rs


If you want to install manually, there are the steps:

  • Download the latest goup from https://github.com/thinkgos/goup-rs/releases
  • Drop the goup executable to your PATH and make it executable: mv GOUP_BIN /usr/local/bin/goup && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/goup
  • Add the Go bin directory to your shell startup script: echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.goup/current/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

Quick Start

$ goup install
Installing go1.21.4 ...
Unpacking /home/thinkgo/.goup/go1.21.4/go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz ...
Success: go1.21.1 installed in /home/thinkgo/.goup/go1.21.4
Default Go is set to 'go1.21.4'
$ goup list
| 1.21.4  |   *    |
$ go env GOROOT
$ go version
go version go1.21.4 linux/amd64
$ GOUP_GO_HOST=https://golang.google.cn goup install 1.21.4

How it works

  • goup completion <SHELL> Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell.
  • goup [help] Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s).
  • goup install/update [VERSION|tip] downloads specified version of Go to$HOME/.goup/go<VERSION|tip>/go and symlinks it to $HOME/.goup/current.
  • goup use/set [VERSION] switches to selected Go version.
  • goup ls/list/show list all installed Go version located at $HOME/.goup.
  • goup remove/rm [VERSION]... removes the specified Go version list.
  • goup search [VERSION] lists all available Go versions from https://golang.org/dl.
  • goup upgrade upgrades goup.
  • goup init write all necessary environment variables and values to $HOME/.goup/env.


Apache 2.0

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