6 releases (3 breaking)
0.4.0 | Nov 15, 2021 |
0.3.1 | Nov 8, 2021 |
0.2.1 | Nov 8, 2021 |
0.1.0 | Oct 25, 2021 |
#1128 in Graphics APIs
191 downloads per month
The GL docs here are adapted from the official Khronos GL documentation (license).
This is a crate for using "raw" GL calls, with all GL functions stored in a [GlFns] struct.
The struct has one method per function pointer. Every method just calls the
appropriate function pointer held inside. The method names match the usual
GL function names with the "gl" prefix removed. It's expected that you'll
bind the struct itself to a variable named gl
, and then call a function
such as glClear
with gl.Clear
All of the pointers in GlFns
are non-nullable function pointers. This
skips the program needing to do a null check on every single GL function
call. The downside is that if any expected function pointer fails to load,
the entire loading process will fail.
The current list of functions supported by this crate is much less than all
possible GL functions. Right now the crate assumes OpenGL 3.3 +
is available. This configuration is widely supported on
Windows, Mac, and Linux. Even then, the exact list of functions that are
loaded is only a subset of the full possibilities.
In the future, the crate might offer a way to more precisely configure at compile time which functions are included or not.
Example Usage
use glitz::*;
unimplemented!("set up the GL context and be ready to load functions");
let loader_fn = |c_str: *const u8| {
// The loader fn is intended to accept a null-termianted-pointer.
// This matches up with SDL_GL_GetProcAddress, wglGetProcAddress,
// GetProcAddress, and similar.
unimplemented!("use the OS or a lib to load a fn by name.");
// If you're using a rust lib that expects `&str` values, you can
// convert the pointer like this:
let _s: &str =
unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(c_str.cast()).to_str().unwrap() };
let gl = unsafe { GlFns::from_loader(&loader_fn).unwrap() };
gl.ClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);