2 unstable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.3.0 Jan 29, 2021
0.2.0 Dec 29, 2018

#8 in #early

22 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 license

170 lines


A very simple Git prompt written in Rust


Just add $(gitprompt-rs) to your shell prompt. Make sure you use single quotes ' or escape the $ to prevent early expansion.
Zsh additionally requires setopt promptsubst to make this work.

You most likely want to let your shell know that the color escape sequences are not actually visible so it will calculate the length correctly. Pass bash for Bash or zsh for Zsh.

The prompt looks like this: (master↑47|+2~3-5x6•8). The information on display is as follows:

  • Branch info:
    • master: name of the current branch, :HEAD in detached head mode
    • : number of commits ahead of remote
    • : number of commits behind remote
  • Work area:
    • +: untracked (new) files
    • ~: modified files
    • -: deleted files
    • x: merge conflicts
  • : staged changes


  • Manual: Make sure you have a recent Rust toolchain. Clone this repo, then run cargo install --path ..
  • crates.io: cargo install gitprompt-rs
  • Arch Linux: pacman -S gitprompt-rs
  • Other distros: make a pull request to add your package or build script!

