1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 19, 2022

#14 in #gff

21 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC

gff-rs   Rust

Library for the GFF file format, used in some BioWare games

This library is composed of two parts:


gff provides an intermediary data representation, common types, a parser and a packer for the GFF format.

This allows you to open a file (like the .bic file provided for tests, one of my online NWN character sheet).

These files can then be decoded to intermediary representation, modified and repacked.


gff-derive provides procedural macros to automatically derive traits that allow you to transform any (compatible) Rust struct from/into the intermediary GFF representation (can then be packed).

Work is in progress to provide direct GFF <-> struct support.


  • implement direct packing/parsing
  • support encodings for more games


~171K SLoC