2 stable releases
1.1.1 | Feb 12, 2025 |
1.1.0 | Feb 11, 2025 |
#133 in Programming languages
224 downloads per month
This is a language I am writing in rust for fun and to learn more about lexers, parsers, interpreters, and to dymistify programming languages in general. The Writing an Interpreter in Go book by Thorsten Ball was used as a reference and insperation for this project as well as mkdb by Antonio Sarosi.
BNF / Language Grammer
<program> = <statement> | <program> <statement>
<statement> = <let_statement> | <if_statement> | <while_loop> | <func_decl> | <expression>
<let_statement> = let <identifier> = <expression>;
<assign_statement> = <assignable> = <expression>;
<if_statement> = if <expression> <code_block>
<while_loop> = while <expression> <code_block>
<func_decl> = fn <identifier> <param_idents> <codeblock>
<code_block> = {<program>}
<param_idents> = (<_param_idents>)
<_param_idents> = <identifier> | <_param_idents>, <_param_idents>
<identifier> = <ident_char> | <ident_char><identifier>
<indent_char> = <ALPHACHAR> | _
<expression> = <group_expression> | <operation_expression> | <assignable> | <func_call> | <object_literal> | <array_literal> | <number_literal>
<group_expression> = (<expression>)
<operation_expression> = <expression> <op> <expression>
<op> = + | - | * | /
<assignable> = <identifier> | <array_index> | <object_prop>
<array_index> = <assignable>[<expression>]
<object_prop> = <assignable>.<identifier>
<func_call> = <assignable>(<expression_list>)
<object_literal> = {<object_field_literals>}
<object_field_literals> = <identifier>: <expression> | <object_field_literals>, <object_field_literals>
<array_literal> = [<expression_list>]
<expression_list> = <expression> | <expression_list>, <expression_list>
<number_literal> = <number> | <number><number_literal>
<number> = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0
Comment your code using the //comment
Any text to the right of a double slash does not make it to the parser or interpretter and will not be evaluated as code
// This function doubles a number
fn double_num(num) {
// Multiplies num by 2 to get the answer
return num * 2;
Built in Functions
len(arr) -> number
- returns the length of an array
- throws an error if provided with something other than an array
Build with
cargo build
Run as repl with
cargo run
or run a script with
cargo run -- --file [script name]
Run tests with
cargo test
- String Type
- For Loops
- Do While Loops
- Better Documentation
- Built in Functions
- Add tests to ast and eval modules
- Add fun language syntax
Todo Reach
- Add tooling/language server
- Add bytecode compiler
- Create VM that can run bytecode
- Compile to/through C, NASM, or MIPS