#lexer #interpreter #c #compiler #parser

app mini-c-parser

minimal C language lexer & parser & virtual executer from scratch

7 releases (4 breaking)

0.9.1 Jun 18, 2024
0.7.2 Jun 14, 2024
0.6.0 Jun 14, 2024
0.2.6 Jun 13, 2024
0.1.4 Jun 10, 2024

#18 in Programming languages

Download history 476/week @ 2024-06-10 231/week @ 2024-06-17

707 downloads per month

MIT license


minimal C language lexer & parser & virtual executer written in Rust

C language lexer & parser & virtual executer from scratch in Rust.

syntax not supported

  • Preprocessor
  • union enum
  • type qualifiers (volatile, restrict static extern) will be ignored in tokenizing level


  • Tokenizer (Lexer)
  • Parser ( AST Builder )
  • Code Generator
  • Virtual Machine (Instruction Executor)


This process will not generate binary or assembly code. Instead, it will produce a sequence of virtual instructions (src/virtualmachine/instruction) which will be executed at the software level.

How to run

cargo run

To execute the program, pass the C code to stdin. Once you are done, press ^D to finish the input. The program will tokenize, parse, generate instructions, and execute the code.

Sample C codes (only with implemented features) are in samples/ directory. Try them with cat samples/sample.c | cargo run


/// samples/sample.c

// fibonacci sequence using recursion declaration
int fibonacci(int);

// main function
int main()
  print_str("Hello, World!"); // built in function 'print_str'
  int var = 10;
  int* ptr = &var;
  *ptr = 100;
  print(ptr, *ptr, var); // built in function 'print'

  // print fibonacci sequence
  print_str("Fibonacci sequence:");
  int i;
  for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
    print(i, fibonacci(i));

  return 0;

// fibonacci sequence using recursion definition
int fibonacci(int n)
  if (n <= 2)
    return 1;
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

Pass c code to stdin

cat samples/sample.c | cargo run

The result will be:

Enter your code (and ^D for EOF):
   0: Int
   1: Identifier("fibonacci")
   2: LeftParen
   3: Int
   4: RightParen
   5: SemiColon
   6: Int
   7: Identifier("main")
   8: LeftParen
   9: RightParen
  10: LeftBrace
  11: Identifier("print_str")
  12: LeftParen
  13: StringLiteral("Hello, World!")
  14: RightParen
  15: SemiColon
  16: Int
  17: Identifier("var")
  18: Equal
  19: ConstantInteger(10)
  20: SemiColon
  Tokenizing Results Skipped......
  93: Return
  94: ConstantInteger(1)
  95: SemiColon
  96: Else
  97: Return
  98: Identifier("fibonacci")
  99: LeftParen
 100: Identifier("n")
 101: Minus
 102: ConstantInteger(1)
 103: RightParen
 104: Plus
 105: Identifier("fibonacci")
 106: LeftParen
 107: Identifier("n")
 108: Minus
 109: ConstantInteger(2)
 110: RightParen
 111: SemiColon
 112: RightBrace
=================================Building AST===================================
TranslationUnit {
    statements: [
        DeclarationStatement {
            vars: [
        FunctionDefinitionStatement {
            return_type: Int32,
            name: "main",
            params: [],
            body: CompoundStatement {
                statements: [
                    ExpressionStatement {
                        expression: PostParen {
  Abstract Syntax Tree Results Skipped......
                        else_statement: Some(
                            ReturnStatement {
                                expr: Some(
                                    AdditiveExpression {
                                        op: Add,
                                        lhs: PostParen {
                                            src: PrimaryIdentifier {
                                                name: "fibonacci",
                                            args: [
                                                AdditiveExpression {
                                                    op: Sub,
                                                    lhs: PrimaryIdentifier {
                                                        name: "n",
                                                    rhs: ConstantInteger {
                                                        value: 1,
                                        rhs: PostParen {
                                            src: PrimaryIdentifier {
                                                name: "fibonacci",
                                            args: [
                                                AdditiveExpression {
                                                    op: Sub,
                                                    lhs: PrimaryIdentifier {
                                                        name: "n",
                                                    rhs: ConstantInteger {
                                                        value: 2,
=========================== Generating Instructions ============================
   0: DefineLabel { label: "main" }
   1: PushStack { operand: Register(5) }
   2: MoveRegister { operand_from: Register(6), operand_to: Register(5) }
   3: MoveRegister { operand_from: Value(UInt64(0)), operand_to: Register(0) }
   4: PrintStr { str: Register(0) }
   5: MoveRegister { operand_from: Value(Int32(10)), operand_to: Register(0) }
   6: Assign { lhs_type: Int32, lhs: Register(1), rhs: Register(0) }
   7: PushStack { operand: Register(1) }
   8: MoveRegister { operand_from: Register(5), operand_to: Register(0) }
   9: AddAssign { lhs: Register(0), rhs: Value(Int64(0)) }
  10: Assign { lhs_type: Pointer(Int32), lhs: Register(1), rhs: Register(0) }
  11: PushStack { operand: Register(1) }
  12: MoveRegister { operand_from: Value(Int32(100)), operand_to: Register(0) }
  13: PushStack { operand: Register(0) }
  14: MoveRegister { operand_from: Register(5), operand_to: Register(0) }
  15: AddAssign { lhs: Register(0), rhs: Value(Int64(1)) }
  16: MoveRegister { operand_from: Derefed(0, 0), operand_to: Register(0) }
  17: PopStack { operand: Register(1) }
  18: Assign { lhs_type: Int32, lhs: Derefed(0, 0), rhs: Register(1) }
  19: MoveRegister { operand_from: Register(5), operand_to: Register(0) }
  20: AddAssign { lhs: Register(0), rhs: Value(Int64(0)) }
  Instruction Results Skipped......
  94: Call { label: "fibonacci" }
  95: SubAssign { lhs: Register(6), rhs: Value(UInt64(1)) }
  96: PushStack { operand: Register(0) }
  97: MoveRegister { operand_from: Value(Int32(1)), operand_to: Register(0) }
  98: PushStack { operand: Register(0) }
  99: MoveRegister { operand_from: Register(5), operand_to: Register(0) }
 100: AddAssign { lhs: Register(0), rhs: Value(Int64(-3)) }
 101: Assign { lhs_type: UInt32, lhs: Register(0), rhs: Derefed(0, 0) }
 102: PopStack { operand: Register(1) }
 103: SubAssign { lhs: Register(0), rhs: Register(1) }
 104: PushStack { operand: Register(0) }
 105: Call { label: "fibonacci" }
 106: SubAssign { lhs: Register(6), rhs: Value(UInt64(1)) }
 107: Assign { lhs_type: UInt32, lhs: Register(0), rhs: Register(0) }
 108: PopStack { operand: Register(1) }
 109: AddAssign { lhs: Register(0), rhs: Register(1) }
 110: Return
 111: DefineLabel { label: ".__L4__" }
 112: Panic { message: "Function fibonacci must return a Int32 value" }
      -------------------- Start Address ---------------------
 113: Call { label: "main" }
============================ Executing Instructions ============================
"Hello, World!"
Print: UInt64(36), Int32(100), Int32(100), 
"Fibonacci sequence:"
Print: Int32(1), Int32(1), 
Print: Int32(2), Int32(1), 
Print: Int32(3), UInt32(2), 
Print: Int32(4), UInt32(3), 
Print: Int32(5), UInt32(5), 
Print: Int32(6), UInt32(8), 
Print: Int32(7), UInt32(13), 
Print: Int32(8), UInt32(21), 
Print: Int32(9), UInt32(34), 
Print: Int32(10), UInt32(55), 

The visualized AST will be:


├── DeclarationStatement
│   └── Vars
│       └── (Some("fibonacci"), Function(Int32, [Int32]), None)
├── FunctionDefinitionStatement: main
│   ├── ReturnType: Int32
│   ├── Name: main
│   ├── Params: []
│   └── Body: CompoundStatement
│       ├── ExpressionStatement
│       │   └── PostParen
│       │       ├── Src: PrimaryIdentifier(print_str)
│       │       └── Args: [StringLiteral("Hello, World!")]
│       ├── DeclarationStatement
│       │   └── Vars
│       │       └── (Some("var"), Int32, ConstantInteger(10))
│       ├── DeclarationStatement
│       │   └── Vars
│       │       └── (Some("ptr"), Pointer(Int32), UnaryExpression(AddressOf, PrimaryIdentifier(var)))
│       ├── ExpressionStatement
│       │   └── AssignExpression
│       │       ├── Op: Assign
│       │       ├── Lhs: UnaryExpression(Dereference, PrimaryIdentifier(ptr))
│       │       └── Rhs: ConstantInteger(100)
│       ├── ExpressionStatement
│       │   └── PostParen
│       │       ├── Src: PrimaryIdentifier(print)
│       │       └── Args: [PrimaryIdentifier(ptr), UnaryExpression(Dereference, PrimaryIdentifier(ptr)), PrimaryIdentifier(var)]
│       ├── ExpressionStatement
│       │   └── PostParen
│       │       ├── Src: PrimaryIdentifier(print_str)
│       │       └── Args: [StringLiteral("Fibonacci sequence:")]
│       ├── DeclarationStatement
│       │   └── Vars
│       │       └── (Some("i"), Int32, None)
│       ├── ForStatement
│       │   ├── Init: AssignExpression
│       │   │   ├── Op: Assign
│       │   │   ├── Lhs: PrimaryIdentifier(i)
│       │   │   └── Rhs: ConstantInteger(1)
│       │   ├── Cond: ComparisonExpression
│       │   │   ├── Op: LessThanOrEqual
│       │   │   ├── Lhs: PrimaryIdentifier(i)
│       │   │   └── Rhs: ConstantInteger(10)
│       │   ├── Next: PostIncrement(PrimaryIdentifier(i))
│       │   └── Statement: CompoundStatement
│       │       └── ExpressionStatement
│       │           └── PostParen
│       │               ├── Src: PrimaryIdentifier(print)
│       │               └── Args: [PrimaryIdentifier(i), PostParen(PrimaryIdentifier(fibonacci), [PrimaryIdentifier(i)])]
│       └── ReturnStatement
│           └── Expr: ConstantInteger(0)
├── FunctionDefinitionStatement: fibonacci
│   ├── ReturnType: Int32
│   ├── Name: fibonacci
│   ├── Params: [(Some("n"), Int32)]
│   └── Body: CompoundStatement
│       └── IfStatement
│           ├── Cond: ComparisonExpression
│           │   ├── Op: LessThanOrEqual
│           │   ├── Lhs: PrimaryIdentifier(n)
│           │   └── Rhs: ConstantInteger(2)
│           ├── Then: ReturnStatement
│           │   └── Expr: ConstantInteger(1)
│           └── Else: ReturnStatement
│               └── Expr: AdditiveExpression
│                   ├── Op: Add
│                   ├── Lhs: PostParen(PrimaryIdentifier(fibonacci), [AdditiveExpression(Sub, PrimaryIdentifier(n), ConstantInteger(1))])
│                   └── Rhs: PostParen(PrimaryIdentifier(fibonacci), [AdditiveExpression(Sub, PrimaryIdentifier(n), ConstantInteger(2))])
