#filter-map #command-line #pipe #filter #shell #cli

app fpipe

fpipe is a tool that lets you filter and map in a shall pipe

4 releases

0.1.3 Mar 24, 2023
0.1.2 Jan 7, 2022
0.1.1 Oct 29, 2020
0.1.0 Oct 21, 2020

#2045 in Command line utilities

42 downloads per month

MIT license

159 lines


Filter (and map) in a shell pipe.

What and Why

For the times you need to filter (or map) in a shell pipe.

Filtering (default):

  • reads stdin as lines
  • runs command for each line
  • prints line if command was successful

Mapping (with --map):

  • reads stdin as lines
  • runs command for each line
  • if command was successful, output its stdout instead of the line


Only list files that contain cats:

ls | fpipe grep -sqi cats {}

Only keep files that do not contain cats:

ls | fpipe -n grep -sqi cats {} # short for --negate

Search for files that contain a list of patterns in the name:

cat patterns | fpipe -m fd {} # short for --map

Command syntax

If {} is not present in the command arguments, the line is passed to the subprocess via stdin.

If {} is present, it gets replaced by each input line before execution.


cargo install fpipe

Flags and features

fpipe 0.1.3

Filter (and map) in a shell pipe
'{}' arguments to the command are replaced with input line before execution

Usage: fpipe [OPTIONS] [CMD_AND_ARGS]...

  [CMD_AND_ARGS]...  Command to execute and its arguments

  -q, --quiet    Suppress stdout of command (stderr is still propagated)
  -n, --negate   Negate the command exit status
  -m, --map      Perform mapping (only command output is emitted, only if successful)
  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


  • more features
  • parallelism


~145K SLoC