#flatpak #linux #cli

app fpcli

A CLI app for Flatpak manifests

14 releases (5 breaking)

0.5.0 Jul 3, 2022
0.4.0 Jul 3, 2022
0.3.1 Jun 23, 2022
0.2.0 Jun 22, 2022
0.0.6 Jan 30, 2022

#1626 in Filesystem

42 downloads per month

MIT license

603 lines


A CLI app for Flatpak manifests.

Code formatting dependency status License file


If you already have cargo installed, you can install fpcli directly from crates.io:

cargo install fpcli


fpcli 0.5.0
A CLI app for Flatpak manifests.

    fpcli <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    add-module        Add a module to a Flatpak manifest. The target flatpak manifest must be a
                          Flatpak application manifest or a Flatpak module manifest. By default, the
                          module is imported by path
    bootstrap         Creates a new manifest from the available information
    convert           Converts a manifest. The manifest must be a valid Flatpak manifest
    get-type          Get the type of the manifest
    get-urls          Get all the urls contained in a manifest
    help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install           Install all the modules in a manifest. The manifest has to be an
                          application manifest or a module manifest
    is-reverse-dns    Test if a file path uses a reverse DNS ID
    lint              Formats a Flatpak manifest
    ls                List all the Flatpak manifests in a specific directory
    parse             Parse a Flatpak manifest
    resolve           Resolve all the imported manifests in a manifest file
    to-reverse-dns    Converts a URL to its reverse DNS equivalent
    tree              Print the modules of a manifest in a tree-like structure




~131K SLoC