forc-tracing is used at run time in 20 crates. It is a direct run-time dependency in 15 crates.

Number of dependers forc-tracing version Downloads/month
14 0.66.7 400
1 0.47.0 3.7K
4 0.31.3 23
1 0.29.0 200
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) forc-tracing version
3.6K 1 forc-wallet ^0.47.0
600 10 forc-util ^0.66.7
450 8 forc-pkg ^0.66.7
440 2 forc ^0.66.7
330 2 forc-postgres ^0.31
310 1 forc-index ^0.31
310 4 swayfmt ^0.66.7
280 forc-fmt ^0.66.7
280 2 sway-lsp ^0.66.7
280 forc-client ^0.66.7
280 forc-doc ^0.66.7
280 forc-debug ^0.66.7
280 forc-crypto ^0.66.7
270 forc-migrate ^0.66.7
200 forc-explore ^0.29.0