1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 22, 2024

#1030 in Parser implementations

MIT license


Firo Parser

Parser for the ".firo" file format. Firo is a domain specific language for the file-rover cli tool..

Origin file(origin.firo)

Origin file specifies the origin paths of the files that need to be moved, renamed or removed. Example:

folder/name with space.txt

Destination file(destination.firo)

Destination file is the file that specifies the destination paths for the file paths specified in the "origin.firo" file. Example:

/home/evccyr/file <date> .rs
plugin/calendar <!> 2024.pdf
<!> /tmp/something.txt


The fundamental tokens for ".firo" files are path_part(ex: /home/evccyr/file) and pins(<date>).


~74K SLoC