3 releases

new 0.1.7 Sep 18, 2024
0.1.6 Sep 17, 2024
0.1.5 Sep 17, 2024

#159 in WebAssembly

Download history

57 downloads per month

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


A blazingly fast formatter and language server for SPARQL, written in Rust 🦀.

Getting Started


Fichu is availible on PyPi:

pipx install fichu

Or on crate.io:

cargo install fichu

You can also build it from source:

git clone https://github.com/IoannisNezis/sparql-language-server.git
cd sparql-language-server
cargo build --release


To run Fichu as formatter run:

fichu format <PATH>

To run Fichu as lanugage server run:

fichu server

This will create a language server listening on stdio.

use in web

If you want to connect from a web-based-editor, you can use this package as well.
For this purpouse this can be compiled to wasm and is availible on npm:

npm i @ioannisnezis/sparql-language-server

You will have to wrap this in a Web Worker and provide a language server client. There will be more documentation on this in the future...


In the mean time, check out the demo.


~246K SLoC