6 releases

0.3.5 Jan 5, 2022
0.3.4 Dec 31, 2021
0.3.0 Nov 30, 2021

#35 in #true


516 lines


CICD license crates.io release

A fast fake feature generator


$ ffgen group account -r fraud_detection.yaml | csview
| user | state          | credit_score | account_age_days | has_2fa_installed |
| 1    | North Carolina | 619          | 1082             | true              |
| 2    | Virginia       | 686          | 596              | true              |
| 3    | Oregon         | 576          | 960              | false             |
| 4    | Nevada         | 540          | 1049             | false             |
| 5    | Massachusetts  | 535          | 229              | true              |
| 6    | West Virginia  | 537          | 462              | false             |
| 7    | New York       | 665          | 156              | false             |
| 8    | Idaho          | 706          | 891              | false             |
| 9    | Arizona        | 667          | 1068             | true              |
| 10   | South Carolina | 526          | 541              | true              |

Integration with oomstore

$ ffgen schema -r driver_stats.yaml | oomcli apply -f /dev/stdin
2021/11/30 18:55:26 applied

$ ffgen group account -r fraud_detection.yaml | oomcli import -g account --input-file /dev/stdin
2021/11/30 18:56:31 importing features ...
2021/11/30 18:56:31 succeeded
RevisionID: 1


From binaries

Pre-built versions of ffgen for various architectures are available at Github release page.

Note that you can try the musl version (which is statically-linked) if runs into dependency related errors.

From source

ffgen is also published on crates.io. If you have Rust toolchains (nightly) installed you can use cargo to install it from source:

cargo install --locked ffgen

If you want the latest version, clone this repository and run cargo install --path ..


~275K SLoC