Cargo Features

feldera-size-of = { version = "0.1.5", default-features = false, features = ["std", "derive", "time-std", "ahash-std", "xxhash-xxh3", "xxhash-xxh32", "xxhash-xxh64", "stdsimd", "arcstr", "fxhash", "chrono", "hashbrown", "bigdecimal", "rust_decimal", "ordered-float", "num-bigint"] }
default = derive, std

These default features are set whenever feldera-size-of is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default ahash-std? time-std?
derive default = size-of-derive
time-std = std, time

Enables std of time

ahash-std = ahash, std

Enables std of ahash

Crate support

xxhash-xxh3 = xxhash-rust

Enables xxh3 of xxhash-rust


Enable xxh3 implementation

xxhash-xxh32 = xxhash-rust

Enables xxh32 of xxhash-rust


XXH32 makes sense only on 32bit platforms
Enable xxh32 implementation

xxhash-xxh64 = xxhash-rust

Enables xxh64 of xxhash-rust


Enable xxh64 implementation

portable-simd stdsimd

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

size-of-derive derive
ahash ahash-std?
arcstr implicit feature
fxhash implicit feature

Enables fxhash


A fast, non-secure, hashing algorithm derived from an internal hasher used in FireFox and Rustc

chrono implicit feature

Enables chrono


Date and time library for Rust

hashbrown implicit feature

Enables hashbrown ^0.13.2


A Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map

bigdecimal implicit feature

Enables bigdecimal ^0.3.0


Arbitrary precision decimal numbers

xxhash-rust xxhash-xxh3? xxhash-xxh32? xxhash-xxh64?
rust_decimal implicit feature

Enables feldera_rust_decimal

ordered-float implicit feature

Enables ordered-float ^3.0.0


Wrappers for total ordering on floats

time time-std?
num-bigint implicit feature

Enables num-bigint


Big integer implementation for Rust