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#1796 in Data structures

31 downloads per month

MIT license

785 lines

Front-coded string dictionary: Fast and compact indexed string set

Documentation Crates.io License: MIT

This is a Rust library to store an indexed set of strings and support fast queires. The data structure is a plain front-coded string dictionary described in Martínez-Prieto et al., Practical compressed string dictionaries, INFOSYS 2016.

Japanese description


  • Indexed set. Fcsd implements an indexed set of strings in a compressed format. n strings in the set are indexed with integers from [0..n-1] and assigned in the lexicographical order.
  • Simple and fast compression/decompression. Fcsd maintains a set of strings in a compressed space through front coding, a differential compression technique for strings, allowing for fast decompression operations.
  • Random access. Fcsd maintains strings through a bucketization technique enabling to directly decompress arbitrary strings and perform binary search for strings.


use fcsd::Set;

// Input string keys should be sorted and unique.
let keys = ["ICDM", "ICML", "SIGIR", "SIGKDD", "SIGMOD"];

// Builds an indexed set.
let set = Set::new(keys).unwrap();
assert_eq!(set.len(), keys.len());

// Gets indexes associated with given keys.
let mut locator = set.locator();
assert_eq!(locator.run(b"ICML"), Some(1));
assert_eq!(locator.run(b"SIGMOD"), Some(4));
assert_eq!(locator.run(b"SIGSPATIAL"), None);

// Decodes string keys from given indexes.
let mut decoder = set.decoder();
assert_eq!(decoder.run(0), b"ICDM".to_vec());
assert_eq!(decoder.run(3), b"SIGKDD".to_vec());

// Enumerates indexes and keys stored in the set.
let mut iter = set.iter();
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((0, b"ICDM".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((1, b"ICML".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((2, b"SIGIR".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((3, b"SIGKDD".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((4, b"SIGMOD".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);

// Enumerates indexes and keys starting with a prefix.
let mut iter = set.predictive_iter(b"SIG");
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((2, b"SIGIR".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((3, b"SIGKDD".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((4, b"SIGMOD".to_vec())));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);

// Serialization / Deserialization
let mut data = Vec::<u8>::new();
set.serialize_into(&mut data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(data.len(), set.size_in_bytes());
let other = Set::deserialize_from(&data[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(data.len(), other.size_in_bytes());


  • Add benchmarking codes.
  • Add RePair compressed veriants.


This library is free software provided under MIT.

