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#2 in #falco

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13K SLoC

Falco plugin SDK

This crate provides a framework for writing Falco plugins. There are several types of plugins available. Learn more about Falco plugins and plugin types in the Falco plugin documentation.

Dynamically linked plugins

The typical way to distribute a Falco plugin is to build a shared library. To build a plugin as a shared library, you need to:

  1. Specify crate_type = ["dylib"] in the [lib] section of Cargo.toml,
  2. Invoke all the macros corresponding to the capabilities your plugin implements.

All plugins must implement the base plugin trait (see base) and at least one of the plugin capabilities.

Note: due to the structure of the Falco plugin API, there can be only one plugin per shared library, though that plugin can implement multiple capabilities, as described below.

Statically linked plugins

In some circumstances, you might prefer to link plugins statically into your application. This changes the interface somewhat (instead of using predefined symbol names, you register your plugin by directly passing a falco_plugin_api::plugin_api struct to sinsp::register_plugin).

For a statically linked plugin, you need to:

  1. Specify crate_type = ["staticlib"] in the [lib] section of Cargo.toml,
  2. Export the plugin API under a name of your choice, for example:
use std::ffi::CStr;
use falco_plugin::base::{InitInput, Plugin};
use falco_plugin::base::PluginApi;
use falco_plugin::FailureReason;

// define the type holding the plugin state
struct DummyPlugin;

// implement the base::Plugin trait
impl Plugin for DummyPlugin {
    const NAME: &'static CStr = c"sample-plugin-rs";
    const PLUGIN_VERSION: &'static CStr = c"0.0.1";
    const DESCRIPTION: &'static CStr = c"A sample Falco plugin that does nothing";
    const CONTACT: &'static CStr = c"you@example.com";
    type ConfigType = ();

    fn new(input: &InitInput, config: Self::ConfigType)
        -> Result<Self, FailureReason> {

    fn set_config(&mut self, config: Self::ConfigType) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {

pub static DUMMY_PLUGIN_API: falco_plugin_api::plugin_api =

Note: due to implementation limitations, there can be only one plugin per static library, though that plugin can implement multiple capabilities, as described below. This limitation is more painful for static libraries than for shared ones (since you could meaningfully ship multiple plugins in a static library) and might be lifted in the future.

Event sourcing plugins

Source plugins are used to generate events. The implementation comes in two parts:

  1. An implementation of source::SourcePlugin on the plugin type, which mostly serves to create a plugin instance
  2. A type implementing source::SourcePluginInstance, which does the actual event generation

To register your plugin's event sourcing capability, pass it to the source_plugin! macro.

See samples/source_plugin.rs for an example implementation.

Field extraction plugins

Field extraction plugins add extra fields to be used in rule matching and rule output. Each field has a name, type and a function or method that returns the actual extracted data. Extraction plugins are created by implementing the extract::ExtractPlugin trait.

See samples/extract_plugin.rs for an example implementation.

Event parsing plugins

Event parsing plugins are invoked on every event (modulo some filtering) and can be used to maintain some state across events, e.g. for extraction plugins our source plugins to return later. They are created by implementing parse::ParsePlugin and calling parse_plugin! with the plugin type.

See samples/parse_plugin.rs for an example implementation.

Asynchronous event plugins

Asynchronous event plugins can be used to inject events outside the flow of the main event loop, for example from a separate thread. They are created by implementing async_event::AsyncEventPlugin and calling async_event_plugin! with the plugin type.

See samples/async_plugin.rs for an example implementation.


~50K SLoC