8 releases

0.1.8 Nov 22, 2024
0.1.7 Nov 4, 2024
0.1.5 Oct 27, 2024

#1467 in Database interfaces

Used in heart

Fair license

581 lines


DISCLAIMER: THIS IS ALPHA AS FUCK. (not yet suitable for production)

A Rust library for easy integration with TiKV, providing derive macros for automatic CRUD operations.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

ergokv = "0.1.8"


For detailed documentation, including usage examples and API reference, please visit:


You can also generate the documentation locally by running:

cargo doc --open


  • Rust (edition 2021 or later)
  • Protobuf
  • GRPC
  • TiKV (can be installed via TiUP or automatically via LocalCluster)

Installing TiKV

There are two primary ways to install TiKV:

  1. Manual Installation with TiUP:

    # Install TiUP (TiKV's package manager)
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/install.sh | sh
    # Set up TiKV cluster for development
    tiup playground
  2. Automatic Installation with LocalCluster:

    use ergokv::LocalCluster;
    // LocalCluster automatically downloads and sets up TiKV if not present
    let cluster = LocalCluster::start(temp_dir).unwrap();
    let client = cluster.spawn_client().await.unwrap();

    LocalCluster is particularly useful for development and testing, as it automatically handles TiKV installation and cluster setup.


The Store derive supports several attributes to customize your data model:

  • @[key]: Marks the primary key field (exactly one field must have this attribute)

    struct User {
        id: Uuid,  // Primary key for identifying the entity
  • @[unique_index]: Creates a unique index on a field, allowing efficient lookup with guaranteed uniqueness

    struct User {
        id: Uuid,
        username: String,  // 1:1 mapping
  • @[index]: Creates a non-unique index on a field, allowing multiple entities to share the same indexed value

    struct User {
        id: Uuid,
        department: String,  // Multiple users can be in the same department
  • @[migrate_from]: Used for schema migrations, specifying the previous version of the struct

    struct User {
        // Migration logic implementation
  • @[model_name]: Used during migrations when the struct name changes

    #[model_name = "User"]  // Helps track model across versions
    struct UserV2 {
        // Struct definition


Basic usage with various index types:

use ergokv::Store;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use uuid::Uuid;

#[derive(Store, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct User {
    id: Uuid,
    username: String,
    email: String,
    department: String,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Use LocalCluster for easy development setup
    let cluster = LocalCluster::start(std::env::temp_dir()).await?;
    let client = cluster.spawn_client().await?;

    // Create a new user
    let user = User {
        id: Uuid::new_v4(),
        username: "johndoe",
        email: "john@example.com",
        department: "Engineering",

    let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await?;

    // Save the user
    user.save(&mut txn).await?;

    // Lookup methods
    let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await?;
    let user_by_username = User::by_username("johndoe", &mut txn).await?;
    let users_in_engineering = User::by_department("Engineering", &mut txn).await?;


Longer example:

use ergokv::Store;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use uuid::Uuid;

#[derive(Store, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct User {
    id: Uuid,
    username: String,
    email: String,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Set up TiKV client
    let client = tikv_client::TransactionClient::new(vec![""]).await?;

    // Create a new user
    let user = User {
        id: Uuid::new_v4(),
        username: "testuser".to_string(),
        email: "test@example.com".to_string(),

    // Start a transaction
    let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await?;

    // Save the user
    user.save(&mut txn).await?;

    // Commit the transaction

    // Load the user
    let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await?;
    let loaded_user = User::load(&user.id, &mut txn).await?;
    println!("Loaded user: {:?}", loaded_user);


Backup and Restore

The Store derive automatically implements backup and restore functionality for your models:

use ergokv::Store;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use uuid::Uuid;

#[derive(Store, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct User {
    id: Uuid,
    username: String,
    email: String,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let client = tikv_client::TransactionClient::new(vec![""]).await?;

    // Backup all users
    let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await?;
    let backup_path = User::backup(&mut txn, "backups/").await?;
    println!("Backup created at: {}", backup_path.display());

    // Restore from backup
    let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await?;
    User::restore(&mut txn, backup_path).await?;


Backups are stored as line-delimited JSON files, with automatic timestamping: User_1708644444.json. Each line contains one serialized instance, making the backups human-readable and easy to process with standard tools.


Store migrations are supported via the `#[migratefrom]` attribute. This allows you to evolve your data structures while keeping data integrity.


The recommended approach is to use private submodules for versioning models and always re-export the latest version:

mod models {
    mod v1 {
        #[derive(Store, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        #[model_name = "User"]  // Required when struct was renamed
        pub(super) struct UserV1 {
            id: Uuid,
            name: String,
            email: String,

    mod v2 {
        #[derive(Store, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        pub(super) struct User {
            id: Uuid,
            first_name: String,
            last_name: String,
            email: String,

        impl UserV1ToUser for User {
            fn from_user_v1(prev: &super::v1::UserV1) -> Result<Self, tikv_client::Error> {
                let (first, last) = prev.name
                    .split_once(' ')
                    .ok_or_else(|| tikv_client::Error::StringError(
                        "Invalid name format".into()

                Ok(Self {
                    id: prev.id,
                    first_name: first.to_string(),
                    last_name: last.to_string(),
                    email: prev.email.clone(),

    // Always re-export latest version
    pub use v2::User;

Note: The `#[modelname]` attribute is required when the struct name changes between versions (like UserV1 -> User above). This ensures ergokv can track the underlying model correctly across migrations.

Run migrations:


Running TiKV

For Development

Use TiUP playground:

tiup playground

This sets up a local TiKV cluster for testing.

For Production

  1. Create a topology file (e.g., `topology.yaml`):

      user: "tidb"
      ssh_port: 22
      deploy_dir: "/tidb-deploy"
      data_dir: "/tidb-data"
      - host:
      - host:
      - host:
      - host:
      - host:
      - host:
      - host:
      - host:
      - host:
  2. Deploy the cluster:

    tiup cluster deploy mytikvcluster 5.1.0 topology.yaml --user root -p
  3. Start the cluster:

    tiup cluster start mytikvcluster


To run tests, ensure you have TiUP installed and then use:

cargo test

Tests will automatically start and stop a TiKV instance using TiUP.

I will be honest with you, chief, I made one test and that's it.


This project is licensed under the Fair License:

Copyright (c) 2024 Lukáš Hozda

Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument.



Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

There is a lot of things that could be improved:

  • Make ergokv support more KV stores
  • Improve documentation
  • Allow swapping the serialization format (currently we use CBOR via ciborium)
  • Let methods be generic (in the case of TiKV) over RawClient, Transaction and TransactionClient
  • Add additional methods that retrieve multiple structures, to make it useful to e.g. fetch entities like articles and all users (note that this can be done already by manually making a sort of entity registry for yourself)

GitHub Repository



~649K SLoC