EpubBuilder is used at run time in 11 crates (of which 1 optionally).

Number of dependers EpubBuilder version Downloads/month
1 0.8.0 160
7 0.7.4 1.0K
1 0.5.0 110
2 0.4.10 9
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) EpubBuilder version
360 1 mdbook-epub ^0.7
250 glowpub ^0.7
140 html_to_epub ^0.7.4
manga-tui ^0.7.4
bcdown ^0.5.0
paperoni ^0.4.8
royal_road_archiver ^0.7.4
crowbook ^0.7.1
repub-rs ^0.7
140 1 libwebnovel-storage optional ^0.8.0-alpha