#school #tokens #events #student #epitech #presence #numbers

yanked epitok

Library to replace tokens in epitech school

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Aug 28, 2020
0.1.0 Aug 21, 2020

#14 in #presence

MIT license

658 lines


Epitok is a library created to replace the token system in the Epitech school.

This project is written in Rust.

Licensed under MIT license.

projects using epitok



This library is designed to simplify students' and school's staff lives by removing the "tokens" in the Epitech school.

A token is a piece of paper given to students with a number on it, used to verify their presence to a school event.

Tokens have to be entered on the school's intranet.

But tokens are often forgotten or lost, and for every event new tokens have to be printed.


This library will be useful only to people who are in possession of a privileged Epitech account (astek, aer, adm, pedago). So if you are just an Epitech student, this library won't be helpful for you at all.


~238K SLoC