1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 1, 2023

#13 in #locally

GPL-3.0 license



📌 API Specification (OpenAPI)

The API specification is available on enstate.rs or locally at {your_site_here}/docs.

🌐 Hosted version

For demonstration purposes (and one-off usage), a hosted instance is made available at https://enstate.rs and a cloudflare worker at https://worker.enstate.rs. This instance is provided as-is and as a gift to the community. Please do not abuse it.

📌 Example

name/luc.eth          name/rescueorg.eth     name/antony.sh
image/vitalik.eth    name/khori.eth             name/helgesson.eth

🚀 Getting Started

We believe software should be simple and containerized. Enstate provides you with a lightweight docker container that you can run anywhere.

🐳 Docker

docker run \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -e REDIS_URL=redis:// \
  -e RPC_URL=https://rpc.ankr.com/eth \

🐳 Docker Compose

version: "3.8"
        image: ghcr.io/v3xlabs/enstate:1.0.5
            - 3000:3000
            - REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379
            - RPC_URL=https://rpc.ankr.com/eth
            - redis
        image: redis:6.2.5-alpine
            - 6379:6379

🦀 Cloudflare Workers

cd worker

Run the worker locally

cp .dev.vars.example .dev.vars

Edit your .dev.vars file at this time to include environment variables for UNIVERSAL_RESOLVER, RPC_URL (optional) and OPENSEA_API_KEY (optional).

To run the worker locally you can now run:

pnpm dev

Deploying to Cloudflare Workers

Create a KV namespace via wrangler or the Cloudflare dashboard.

pnpm wrangler kv:namespace create <YOUR_NAMESPACE>

Copy the id of your newly created KV namespace to your wrangler.toml. The binding value should remain as enstate-1 regardless of what you named yours when you created it.

Deploy the worker:

pnpm wrangler deploy

Upload your secrets:

echo "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth/XXXXXX" | pnpm wrangler secret put RPC_URL
echo "XXXXX" | pnpm wrangler secret put OPENSEA_API_KEY

Additionally, there is a hosted instance available at worker.enstate.rs.


Standalone Server

cd server && cargo run -p enstate

Cloudflare Worker

cd worker && pnpm dev

For more information on running the worker locally, please see running Cloudflare Workers locally.

No runtime deps