13 unstable releases

0.8.0 Oct 20, 2023
0.7.2 Aug 27, 2021
0.6.0 Jan 3, 2020
0.5.0 Nov 4, 2019
0.1.0 May 4, 2017

#131 in Algorithms

25 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates (2 directly)

MIT license

7.5K SLoC

clingo-rs Build Status Latest Version Rust Documentation

Rust idiomatic bindings to the clingo library. Clingo version 5.6.2.


Default - dynamic linking

Per default the crate uses the clingo library via dynamic linking. It is assumed that a clingo dynamic library is installed on the system. While compile time the environment variable CLINGO_LIBRARY_PATH must be set. For example:

export CLINGO_LIBRARY_PATH=/scratch/miniconda3/envs/test/lib

And for running the code that dynamically links to clingo make sure to have the clingo library in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Have a look a at the [clingo Readme}(https://github.com/potassco/clingo#readme) for different ways of obtaining the binary releases of clingo.

Using static-linking

You can also use the clingo library via static linking. The build system will attempt to compile clingo for static linking on your system. To build clingo for static linking you need the following tools installed:

  • a C++14 conforming compiler
    • at least GCC version 4.9
    • Clang version 3.1 (using either libstdc++ provided by gcc 4.9 or libc++)
    • at least MSVC 15.0 (Visual Studio 2017)
    • other compilers might work
  • the cmake build system
    • at least version 3.18 is recommended
    • at least version 3.1 is required

The recommended way to use the optional static linking support is as follows.

clingo = { version = "0.8.0", features = ["static-linking"] }

Using derive macro

The crate provides a derive macro to help easing the use of rust data types as facts.

In your Cargo.toml add:

clingo = { version = "0.8.0", features = ["derive"] }

In your source write:

use clingo::{ClingoError, FactBase, Symbol, ToSymbol};

struct MyPoint {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let p = MyPoint { x: 4, y: 2 };
let mut fb = FactBase::new();

The macro performs a conversion to snake case. This means the corresponing fact for MyPoint{x:4,y:2} is my_point(4,2).


cargo run --example=ast 0
cargo run --example=backend 0
cargo run --example=configuration
cargo run --example=control 0
cargo run --example=model 0
cargo run --example=propagator 0
cargo run --example=solve-async 0
cargo run --example=statistics 0
cargo run --example=symbol 0
cargo run --example=symbolic-atoms 0
cargo run --example=theory-atoms 0
cargo run --example=inject-terms 0
cargo run --example=version


How to make a contribution to clingo-rs?

Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed under the terms of the MIT license without any additional terms or conditions.


~249K SLoC