1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Sep 10, 2019 |
#1813 in Procedural macros
403 lines
Rust to Elm Type Generator
This repo contains simple rust struct to elm type generator.
- File Path may be set into env variable called (ELM_TYPES).
- File path may be passed as elm options, this will override env path.
Example 1
struct with option path(path is mandatory option)
extern crate elm_rusty;
// Declare struct with Elm derive
// Here path is mandatory in elm opts or export in env variable as ELM_TYPES
#[elm(opts(path = "/Users/abrarkhan/Documents/github/rust_elm_types"))]
struct Foo {
id: i32,
name: String,
After change into models, When ever run cargo build, check or test first time it will generated corresponding Elm code.
module Foo exposing (..)
type alias Foo =
{ id: Int
, name: String
Example 2
struct with option path and rename
extern crate elm_rusty;
mod temp {
pub struct User {}
#[elm(opts(rename = "ElmUser", path = "/Users/abrarkhan/Documents/github/rust_elm_types"))]
struct User {
name: Option<Vec<i32>>,
id: Vec<std::collections::HashMap<String, Vec<temp::User>>>,
vector: Vec<i32>,
module ElmUser exposing (..)
type alias ElmUser =
{ vector: List Int
, name: Maybe(List Int)
, id: List(Dict String(List User))
Note Point
Here, I did not handle recursively custom type derive Elm, so it won't create corresponding User.elm
Example 3
struct with option path, elm type rename and field rename option
extern crate elm_rusty;
mod temp {
pub struct User {}
#[elm(opts(rename = "ElmUser", path = "/Users/abrarkhan/Documents/github/rust_elm_types"))]
struct User {
#[elm(rename = "foo")]
name: Option<Vec<i32>>,
id: Vec<std::collections::HashMap<String, Vec<temp::User>>>,
vector: Vec<i32>,
module ElmUser exposing (..)
type alias ElmUser =
{ id: List(Dict String(List User))
, foo: Maybe(List Int)
, vector: List Int
Example 4
struct(reference types) with option path, elm type rename and field rename option
extern crate elm_rusty;
mod temp {
pub struct User {}
#[elm(opts(rename = "ElmUser", path = "/Users/abrarkhan/Documents/github/rust_elm_types"))]
struct User<'a> {
#[elm(rename = "foo")]
name: Option<Vec<i32>>,
id: &'a Vec<std::collections::HashMap<String, Vec<temp::User>>>,
vector: Vec<i32>,
module ElmUser exposing (..)
type alias ElmUser =
{ id: List(Dict String(List User))
, foo: Maybe(List Int)
, vector: List Int
Example 5
without elm options and export path as ELM_TYPES="/Users/abrarkhan/Documents/github/rust_elm_types"
extern crate elm_rusty;
mod temp {
pub struct User {}
struct User<'a> {
#[elm(rename = "foo")]
name: Option<Vec<i32>>,
id: &'a Vec<std::collections::HashMap<String, Vec<temp::User>>>,
vector: Vec<i32>,
module User exposing (..)
type alias User =
{ id: List(Dict String(List User))
, foo: Maybe(List Int)
, vector: List Int
- Generate Elm types alias from Rust struct.
- Make recursively type checks.
- Auto Import of Elm modules, if it exists inside same dir.
- Generate Elm types from Rust types.
- Generate Elm encoders from Rust types.
- Generate Elm decoders from Rust types.
~55K SLoC