Cargo Features

egui_extras = { version = "0.28.1", default-features = false, features = ["all_loaders", "datepicker", "file", "gif", "http", "image", "puffin", "serde", "svg", "syntect", "document-features"] }
default = serde

These default features are set whenever egui_extras is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

Enables mime_guess2

file feature

all_loaders = file, gif, http, image, svg

Shorthand for enabling the different types of image loaders (file, http, image, svg).

datepicker = chrono

Enable DatePickerButton widget.

file all_loaders?

Add support for loading images from file:// URIs.

Enables mime_guess2

gif all_loaders? = image

Support loading gif images.

Enables gif of image

http all_loaders?

Add support for loading images via HTTP.

Enables ehttp

http feature

image all_loaders? gif?

Add support for loading images with the image crate.

You also need to ALSO opt-in to the image formats you want to support, like so:

image = { version = "0.25", features = ["jpeg", "png"] } # Add the types you want support for

Enables image

Affects image::load_image_bytes


Enable profiling with the puffin crate.

Only enabled on native, because of the low resolution (1ms) of clocks in browsers.

Enables puffin, puffin of egui

serde default

Derive serde Serialize/Deserialize on stateful structs

Enables serde of egui and serde

### Optional dependencies

Serde for serializing state

svg all_loaders? = resvg

Support loading svg images.

Affects image::load_svg_bytes, image::load_svg_bytes_with_size


Enable better syntax highlighting using syntect.

Enables syntect

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

chrono datepicker?

Enables chrono

Date operations needed for datepicker widget

document-features implicit feature

Enables document-features

Enable this when generating docs.

resvg svg?

Enables resvg ^0.37

svg feature