1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Dec 16, 2024 |
#670 in Web programming
Used in arbctl
Rust API client for edgegap
The Edgegap API lets you manage all your resources from standard HTTP requests. We promote using them to automate all your processes that are using Edgegap.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us via email, or you can also jump on our Discord. We will be happy to help. Feel free to make features request; we also love those.
Pagination - Response
The GET response body can be returned with pagination to avoid requesting all the data at once.
Pagination object will always be under the paginator key.
\"number\": \"The Current page, default=1\",
\"next_page_number\": \"The Next page number or null\",
\"previous_page_number\": \"The Previous page number or null\",
\"paginator\": {
\"num_pages\": \"The total numbers of pages\"
\"has_next\": \"Boolean if there is a next page\",
\"has_previous\": \"Boolean if there is a previous page\"
Full Body Example:
\"count\": 100,
\"data\": [\"value-0\", \"[...]\", \"value-9\"],
\"success\": true,
\"pagination\": {
\"number\": 1,
\"next_page_number\": 2,
\"previous_page_number\": null,
\"paginator\": {
\"num_pages\": 10
\"has_next\": true,
\"has_previous\": false
Pagination - Parameters
You can add those values to manipulate the pagination object in the URL Parameters.
- page
- limit
# To get the second page
GET - https://api.edgegap.com/v1/apps?page=2
# To change the count of element in one page (20/page)
GET - https://api.edgegap.com/v1/apps?limit=20
# You can mix those (20/page, second page)
GET - https://api.edgegap.com/v1/apps?page=2&limit=20
For more information, please visit https://edgegap.com
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 0.1.0
- Generator version: 7.11.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named edgegap
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
edgegap = { path = "./edgegap" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApplicationsApi | app_version_delete | DELETE /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} | Delete an Application Version |
ApplicationsApi | app_version_get | GET /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} | Get an Application Version |
ApplicationsApi | app_version_post | POST /v1/app/{app_name}/version | Create a New Application Version |
ApplicationsApi | app_version_whitelist_entry_delete | DELETE /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist/{entry_id} | Delete an ACL Entry |
ApplicationsApi | app_version_whitelist_entry_get | GET /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist/{entry_id} | Get an ACL Entry |
ApplicationsApi | app_version_whitelist_get | GET /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist | List All ACL Entries for an Application Version |
ApplicationsApi | app_version_whitelist_post | POST /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist | Create an ACL Entry |
ApplicationsApi | app_versions_get | GET /v1/app/{app_name}/versions | List All Versions for an Application |
ApplicationsApi | app_versions_patch | PATCH /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} | Update an Application Version |
ApplicationsApi | application_delete | DELETE /v1/app/{app_name} | Delete an Application |
ApplicationsApi | application_get | GET /v1/app/{app_name} | Get an Application |
ApplicationsApi | application_patch | PATCH /v1/app/{app_name} | Update an Application |
ApplicationsApi | application_post | POST /v1/app | Create a New Application |
ApplicationsApi | applications_get | GET /v1/apps | List All Applications |
ContainerRegistryApi | image_tag_delete | DELETE /v1/container-registry/images/{image_name}/tags/{tag_name} | Delete Tag For a Registry Image |
ContainerRegistryApi | registry_image_tag_list | GET /v1/container-registry/images/{image_name}/tags | List All Tags for a Registry Image |
ContextApi | context_create_deployment_tag | POST /v1/context/{request_id}/{security_number}/tags | Create a Tag for a Running Deployment |
ContextApi | context_delete_deployment_tag | DELETE /v1/context/{request_id}/{security_number}/tags/{tag_name} | Delete a Tag from a Running Deployment |
ContextApi | context_get | GET /v1/context/{request_id}/{security_number} | Get the Context of a Deployment |
DeploymentTagsApi | deployments_tags_create | POST /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags | Create Tag for a Deployment |
DeploymentTagsApi | deployments_tags_delete | DELETE /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags/{tag_name} | Delete Tag for a Deployment |
DeploymentTagsApi | deployments_tags_list | GET /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags | List tags for a Deployment |
DeploymentTagsApi | deployments_tags_read | GET /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags/{tag_name} | Get tag for a Deployment |
DeploymentTagsApi | deployments_tags_update | PATCH /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags/{tag_name} | Update Tag for a Deployment |
DeploymentsApi | deploy | POST /v1/deploy | Create a Deployment |
DeploymentsApi | deployment_delete | DELETE /v1/stop/{request_id} | Delete a Deployment |
DeploymentsApi | deployment_get_logs | GET /v1/deployment/{request_id}/container-logs | Get Deployment Container Logs |
DeploymentsApi | deployment_status_get | GET /v1/status/{request_id} | Get a Deployment Status and Information |
DeploymentsApi | deployment_update | PATCH /v1/deployments/{request_id} | Updates properties of a deployment |
DeploymentsApi | deployments_available | POST /v1/deployments:available | Deployments with Available Sockets |
DeploymentsApi | deployments_bulk_delete | POST /v1/deployments/bulk-stop | Delete Deployments in Bulk |
DeploymentsApi | deployments_get | GET /v1/deployments | List All Deployments |
DeploymentsApi | self_deployment_delete | DELETE /v1/self/stop/{request_id}/{access_point_id} | Delete a Deployment from inside the container |
EndpointStorageApi | endpoint_create | POST /v1/storage/endpoint | Create a New Endpoint Storage |
EndpointStorageApi | endpoint_delete | DELETE /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name} | Delete an Endpoint Storage |
EndpointStorageApi | endpoint_get | GET /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name} | Get an Endpoint Storage |
EndpointStorageApi | endpoint_update | PATCH /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name} | Update an Endpoint Storage |
EndpointStorageApi | endpoints_list | GET /v1/storage/endpoints | List All Endpoint Storage |
EndpointStorageApi | pull_profile_create | POST /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile | Create a New Pull Profile |
EndpointStorageApi | pull_profile_delete | DELETE /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name} | Delete a Pull Profile |
EndpointStorageApi | pull_profile_get | GET /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name} | Get a Pull Profile |
EndpointStorageApi | pull_profile_link_app_version | PUT /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} | Link a Pull Profile to an Application Version |
EndpointStorageApi | pull_profile_list | GET /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profiles | List All Pull Profile of an Endpoint Storage |
EndpointStorageApi | pull_profile_unlink_app_version | DELETE /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} | Unlink a Pull Profile From an Application Version |
EndpointStorageApi | pull_profile_update | PATCH /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name} | Update a Pull Profile |
FleetsApi | fleet_create | POST /v1/fleet | Create a Fleet |
FleetsApi | fleet_delete | DELETE /v1/fleet/{fleet_name} | Delete a Fleet |
FleetsApi | fleet_get | GET /v1/fleet/{fleet_name} | Get a Fleet |
FleetsApi | fleet_link_app_version | PUT /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} | Link an Application Version to a Fleet |
FleetsApi | fleet_policies_create | POST /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies | Create a Fleet Policy |
FleetsApi | fleet_policies_delete | DELETE /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies/{policy_name} | Delete a Policy |
FleetsApi | fleet_policies_get | GET /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies/{policy_name} | Get a Policy |
FleetsApi | fleet_policies_list | GET /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies | List All Policies of a Fleet |
FleetsApi | fleet_policies_update | PATCH /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies/{policy_name} | Update a Policy |
FleetsApi | fleet_unlink_app_version | DELETE /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} | Unlink an Application Version From a Fleet |
FleetsApi | fleet_update | PATCH /v1/fleet/{fleet_name} | Update a Fleet |
FleetsApi | fleets | GET /v1/fleets | List All Fleets |
IpLookupApi | i_p | GET /v1/ip | Get Your Public IP |
IpLookupApi | i_p_lookup | GET /v1/ip/{ip}/lookup | Get an IP's information |
IpLookupApi | i_ps_lookup | POST /v1/ips/lookup | Get IPs Information in Bulk |
LobbiesApi | lobby_create | POST /v1/lobbies | Create a Lobby |
LobbiesApi | lobby_delete | DELETE /v1/lobbies/{lobby_name} | Delete a Lobby |
LobbiesApi | lobby_deploy | POST /v1/lobbies:deploy | Deploy a Lobby |
LobbiesApi | lobby_get | GET /v1/lobbies/{lobby_name} | Get a Lobby |
LobbiesApi | lobby_list | GET /v1/lobbies | List All Lobbies |
LobbiesApi | lobby_terminate | POST /v1/lobbies:terminate | Terminate a Lobby |
LocationsApi | location_beacon_list | GET /v1/locations/beacons | List All Location Beacons |
LocationsApi | locations_get | GET /v1/locations | List All Locations |
MatchmakerApi | delete_matchmaker | DELETE /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name} | Delete a Matchmaker |
MatchmakerApi | delete_matchmaker_component | DELETE /v1/aom/component/{component_name} | Delete a Matchmaker Component |
MatchmakerApi | delete_matchmaker_component_env | DELETE /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env/{env_key} | Delete a Matchmaker Component ENV |
MatchmakerApi | delete_matchmaker_managed_release | DELETE /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed/{release_version} | Delete a Matchmaker Managed Release |
MatchmakerApi | delete_matchmaker_release | DELETE /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/{release_version} | Delete a Matchmaker Release |
MatchmakerApi | delete_matchmaker_release_config | DELETE /v1/aom/release/config/{config_name} | Delete a Matchmaker Release Config |
MatchmakerApi | get_component_list | GET /v1/aom/components | List All Matchmaker Components |
MatchmakerApi | get_envs_list | GET /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/envs | List All Matchmaker Component ENVs |
MatchmakerApi | get_matchmaker | GET /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name} | Get a Matchmaker |
MatchmakerApi | get_matchmaker_component | GET /v1/aom/component/{component_name} | Get a Matchmaker Component |
MatchmakerApi | get_matchmaker_component_env | GET /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env/{env_key} | Get a Matchmaker Component ENV |
MatchmakerApi | get_matchmaker_list | GET /v1/aom/matchmakers | List All Matchmakers |
MatchmakerApi | get_matchmaker_managed_release | GET /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed/{release_version} | Get a Matchmaker Managed Release |
MatchmakerApi | get_matchmaker_release | GET /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/{release_version} | Get a Matchmaker Release |
MatchmakerApi | get_matchmaker_release_config | GET /v1/aom/release/config/{config_name} | Get a Matchmaker Release Config |
MatchmakerApi | get_release_configs_list | GET /v1/aom/release/configs | List All Matchmaker Release Configs |
MatchmakerApi | get_release_list | GET /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/releases | List All Matchmaker Releases |
MatchmakerApi | patch_matchmaker | PATCH /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name} | Update a Matchmaker |
MatchmakerApi | patch_matchmaker_component | PATCH /v1/aom/component/{component_name} | Update a Matchmaker Component |
MatchmakerApi | patch_matchmaker_component_env | PATCH /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env/{env_key} | Update a Matchmaker Component ENV |
MatchmakerApi | patch_matchmaker_managed_release | PATCH /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed/{release_version} | Update a Matchmaker Managed Release |
MatchmakerApi | patch_matchmaker_release | PATCH /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/{release_version} | Update a Matchmaker Release |
MatchmakerApi | patch_matchmaker_release_config | PATCH /v1/aom/release/config/{config_name} | Update a Matchmaker Release Config |
MatchmakerApi | post_matchmaker | POST /v1/aom/matchmaker | Create a Matchmaker |
MatchmakerApi | post_matchmaker_component | POST /v1/aom/component | Create a Matchmaker Component |
MatchmakerApi | post_matchmaker_component_env | POST /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env | Create a Matchmaker Component ENV |
MatchmakerApi | post_matchmaker_managed_release | POST /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed | Create a Matchmaker Managed Release |
MatchmakerApi | post_matchmaker_release | POST /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release | Create a Matchmaker Release |
MatchmakerApi | post_matchmaker_release_config | POST /v1/aom/release/config | Create a Matchmaker Release Config |
MetricsApi | deployment_metrics_get | GET /v1/metrics/deployment/{request_id} | Get a Deployment Metrics |
MonitoringApi | monitoring | GET /monitor | |
RelaysApi | relay_session_create | POST /v1/relays/sessions | Create a Relay Session |
RelaysApi | relay_session_delete | DELETE /v1/relays/sessions/{session_id} | Delete a Relay Session |
RelaysApi | relay_session_get | GET /v1/relays/sessions/{session_id} | Get a Relay Session |
RelaysApi | relay_session_list | GET /v1/relays/sessions | List all Relay Sessions |
RelaysApi | relay_user_authorize | POST /v1/relays/sessions:authorize-user | Authorize a user on a Relay Session |
RelaysApi | relay_user_revoke | POST /v1/relays/sessions:revoke-user | Remove a user on a Relay Session |
SessionsApi | delete_users_session | DELETE /v1/session/{session_id}/users | Delete Users From a Session |
SessionsApi | get_session | GET /v1/session/{session_id} | Get a Session |
SessionsApi | get_users_session | GET /v1/session/{session_id}/users | List Users of a Session |
SessionsApi | list_sessions | GET /v1/sessions | List All Sessions |
SessionsApi | put_users_session | PUT /v1/session/{session_id}/users | Put Users in a Session |
SessionsApi | session_delete | DELETE /v1/session/{session_id} | Delete a Session |
SessionsApi | session_post | POST /v1/session | Create a Session |
SessionsApi | sessions_bulk_stop | POST /v1/sessions/bulk-stop | Delete Sessions in Bulk |
TelemetryApi | active_deployment_telemetry_get | GET /v1/telemetry/active-deployments/{retrieval_key} | Get the Result of an Active Deployment Telemetry Request |
TelemetryApi | active_deployment_telemetry_post | POST /v1/telemetry/active-deployments | Create a New Active Deployment Telemetry Request |
Documentation For Models
- ActiveDeploymentTelemetryGetResult
- ActiveDeploymentTelemetryRequest
- ActiveDeploymentTelemetryResponse
- ActiveDeploymentTelemetryScore
- ApiModelContainercrashdata
- ApiModelContainerlogs
- ApiModelDeploymentfilter
- ApiModelLocation
- ApiModelLocationbeacon
- ApiModelRegistryartifacttagdeleteresponse
- ApiModelTagdeleteartifact
- AppVersionCreateResponse
- AppVersionCreateSessionConfig
- AppVersionDelete
- AppVersionEnv
- AppVersionList
- AppVersionPayload
- AppVersionPort
- AppVersionProbe
- AppVersionUpdatePayload
- AppVersionUpdateResponse
- AppVersionUpdateSessionConfig
- AppVersionWhitelistEntry
- AppVersionWhitelistEntryPayload
- AppVersionWhitelistEntrySuccess
- AppVersionWhitelistResponse
- Application
- ApplicationPatch
- ApplicationPost
- Applications
- ArtifactPayload
- BaseModel
- ClientRelayPort
- ComponentCredentials
- ContainerLogStorageModel
- ContextCreateDeploymentTagRequest
- ContextDeploymentTagResponse
- Delete
- DeleteRequestReceived
- DeployEnvModel
- DeployModel
- Deployment
- DeploymentAvailable
- DeploymentAvailablePayload
- DeploymentAvailableResponse
- DeploymentBulkStopFiltersPayload
- DeploymentBulkStopPayload
- DeploymentBulkStopResponse
- DeploymentListData
- DeploymentLocation
- DeploymentSessionContext
- DeploymentStopResponse
- DeploymentTagListResponse
- DeploymentTagPayload
- DeploymentTagResponse
- DeploymentUpdatePayload
- DeploymentUpdateResponse
- Deployments
- EndpointStorageDeleteResponse
- EndpointStorageGetResponse
- EndpointStorageListResponse
- EndpointStoragePatchPayload
- EndpointStoragePatchResponse
- EndpointStoragePostPayload
- EndpointStoragePostResponse
- Error
- FleetDeleteResponse
- FleetGetResponse
- FleetList
- FleetPatchPayload
- FleetPatchResponse
- FleetPoliciesGetResponse
- FleetPoliciesPatchPayload
- FleetPoliciesPostPayload
- FleetPoliciesPostResponse
- FleetPostPayload
- FleetPostResponse
- GeoIpListModel
- HorizontalScalerAppVersionLink
- HorizontalScalerConstraintList
- ImageTagList
- ImageTagPayload
- IpAddressLookupLocation
- IpAddressLookupLocationContinent
- IpAddressLookupLocationCountry
- IpAddressLookupResponse
- IpAddressResponse
- IpAddressesLookupPayload
- IpAddressesLookupResponse
- LobbyCreatePayload
- LobbyDeployPayload
- LobbyReadResponse
- LobbyTerminatePayload
- Location
- LocationBeaconList
- LocationModel
- Locations
- MappedPortResponse
- MatchmakerComponentCreate
- MatchmakerComponentEnvListResponse
- MatchmakerComponentEnvsCreate
- MatchmakerComponentEnvsResponse
- MatchmakerComponentEnvsUpdate
- MatchmakerComponentListResponse
- MatchmakerComponentResponse
- MatchmakerComponentUpdate
- MatchmakerCreate
- MatchmakerListResponse
- MatchmakerManagedReleaseCreate
- MatchmakerManagedReleaseResponse
- MatchmakerManagedReleaseUpdate
- MatchmakerReleaseConfigCreate
- MatchmakerReleaseConfigResponse
- MatchmakerReleaseConfigUpdate
- MatchmakerReleaseCreate
- MatchmakerReleaseCreateBase
- MatchmakerReleaseResponse
- MatchmakerReleaseResponseBase
- MatchmakerReleaseUpdate
- MatchmakerReleaseUpdateBase
- MatchmakerResponse
- MatchmakerUpdate
- MetricsModel
- MetricsResponse
- Monitor
- NetworkMetricsModel
- Pagination
- Paginator
- PatchSessionModel
- PortMapping
- PullProfileAppVersionLinkResponse
- PullProfileGetResponse
- PullProfilePatchPayload
- PullProfilePostPayload
- PullProfilePostResponse
- PullProfilesListResponse
- PulloProfilePatchResponse
- RelayFilterModel
- RelayResponse
- RelaySessionBaseResponse
- RelaySessionCreatePayload
- RelaySessionListResponse
- RelaySessionUser
- RelaySessionUserBaseResponse
- RelaySessionUserResponse
- RelayUserAuthorizePayload
- RelayUserRevokePayload
- Request
- SelectorEnvModel
- SelectorModel
- ServerRelayPort
- SessionBulkStopFiltersPayload
- SessionBulkStopPayload
- SessionBulkStopResponse
- SessionContext
- SessionDelete
- SessionFilterModel
- SessionGet
- SessionModel
- SessionRequest
- SessionStopResponse
- SessionUser
- SessionUserContext
- Sessions
- Status
- Tag
- TotalMetricsModel
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open
~206K SLoC