#clap #edgegap #gamedev #rust

app arbctl

CLI tool for the Edgegap API, designed for use in automated deployment pipelines

2 releases

0.0.2 Dec 16, 2024
0.0.1 Dec 16, 2024

#118 in Game dev

45 downloads per month


10K SLoC

Arbctl - An Edgegap API tool

This is a tool for interacting with the Edgegap API.

I've tried to build a scalable way to easily add api commands, but I plan to only really add enough functionality to be useful as part of my automated deployment pipeline. PRs welcome.

A key feature is the ability to patch resources with json pointers, per RFC 6901. This should allow an ergonomic way to change values in application versions, create clone-and-modified versions of resources, etc,

Quick note about JSON Pointers

JSON Pointers are a way to reference a specific value in a json document. They are specified in the RFC 6901 specification, and support for them is built in to serde_json.

We use them in two ways:

Render patches

A quick way to edit the JSON returned from a command, before it's printed to stdout. This is done via the global --render-patch arg, which each take 2 args (pointer and replacement value), and can be specified multiple times.


$ arbctl application get simple_box

  "create_time": "2024-12-12 12:26:39.029223",
  "image": "iVBO...ggg==",
  "is_active": true,
  "is_telemetry_agent_active": false,
  "last_updated": "2024-12-13 08:55:43.373337",
  "name": "simple_box"
# daft example, because image is supposed to be base64 encoded image data
# but this only patches the stdout, we aren't sending a PATCH request

$ arbctl \
    --render-patch /is_active false \
    --render-patch /image '"foo"' \
    application get simple_box

  "create_time": "2024-12-12 12:26:39.029223",
  "image": "foo",
  "is_active": false,
  "is_telemetry_agent_active": false,
  "last_updated": "2024-12-13 08:55:43.373337",
  "name": "simple_box"

Patching resources for PATCH commands

Say we want to mutate an existing application version to change some settings. Here we change application simple_box version 1:

Note: we must pass literal json strings for replacement strings, so '"quotes"' like this are needed for string values.

arbctl application patch-version simple_box 1 \
    --patch /termination_grace_period_seconds 6 \
    --patch /session_config/empty_ttl 15 \
    --patch /docker_tag '"sha-1234567890"'

This command will GET the existing version, apply the patches, and send a PATCH request to update it.

Example Invocations

Get version 1 of the application "simple_box" (json)

arbctl application version simple_box 1

Modify it by using --patch and the patch-version application sub-command:

arbctl application patch-version simple_box 1 \
    --patch /termination_grace_period_seconds 6 \
    --patch /ports/0/name '"gameserver"'

Creating a new application version based on an existing one

use application version to fetch version 1, use ---render-patch to change the output json, and pipe into create-version which reads from stfdin. Anything requiring advanced json edits can just use jq or whatever.

arbctl --render-patch /name '"2"' --render-patch /docker_tag '"v2"' application version simple_box 1 \
 | arbctl application create-version simple_box 2 --stdin

Create a new application based on an existing one

(copy simple_box to an application called testapp)

arbctl --render-patch /name '"testapp"' application get simple_box | arbctl application create testapp

Questions for Edgegap

the docker_image field seems to be validated by a mega regex when your submit a patch or create request – a regex that is more restrictive than the web dashboard uses.

it has to be lower case.

"docker_image": "RJ/lightyear-server","docker_image": "rj/lightyear-server",



~251K SLoC