#traits #downcast #cast

nightly no-std dyn-dyn

Flexible trait object downcasting using ptr_metadata

6 releases

new 0.2.0 Jul 25, 2024
0.1.2 Mar 12, 2024
0.1.1 Apr 7, 2023
0.1.0 Aug 18, 2022

#384 in Rust patterns

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810 lines


Tests Crates.io docs.rs

dyn-dyn allows for flexible downcasting of dynamic trait objects into other dynamic trait objects using the unstable ptr_metadata feature. Unlike many other crates providing similar functionality, dyn-dyn does not rely on any linker tricks or global registries to do its magic, making it safe to use in #![no_std] crates and even without alloc. dyn-dyn also does not require the base trait to in any way list what traits it may be downcast to: the implementing type has full control to select any set of valid traits to expose.

DISCLAIMER: This code has not been thoroughly audited or tested yet and relies on a lot of unstable features and hacks with unsafe code, so it's liable to break at any time. While tests are run under Miri to try to catch any UB, it's probably best not to rely on this crate in production code in its current state.


dyn-dyn is used by declaring a "base trait" annotated with the #[dyn_dyn_base] attribute macro and annotating any impl blocks for that trait using the #[dyn_dyn_impl(...)] attribute macro. Any reference to the base trait can then be downcast to a reference to the derived trait by using the dyn_dyn_cast! macro, like so:

use dyn_dyn::{dyn_dyn_base, dyn_dyn_cast, dyn_dyn_impl};

trait BaseTrait {}
trait ExposedTrait {}

struct Struct;

impl ExposedTrait for Struct {}

impl BaseTrait for Struct {}

let mut s = Struct;

assert!(dyn_dyn_cast!(BaseTrait => ExposedTrait, &s).is_ok());
assert!(dyn_dyn_cast!(mut BaseTrait => ExposedTrait, &mut s).is_ok());

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
assert!(dyn_dyn_cast!(move BaseTrait => ExposedTrait, Box::new(s)).is_ok());


Currently, dyn-dyn only works in nightly versions of Rust due to its use of the unstable generic_associated_types, ptr_metadata, and unsize features, as well as due to its use of several standard library features in const contexts.

Due to limitations of TypeId, dyn-dyn can only currently work with types and traits that are 'static.

In order to be able to construct a way of downcasting into every possible derived trait that a concrete type wishes to expose, the set of traits exposed using the #[dyn_dyn_impl(...)] attribute must be finite. That is, it is not possible to expose some generic trait Trait<T> for an arbitrary value of T (although it is possible to do so if T is constrained by a generic argument to the concrete type or base trait).

How it works

dyn-dyn works by creating a table that maps various TypeIds corresponding to traits into the vtable pointer they use for a particular concrete type. This table is then exposed via a hidden supertrait of the base trait, allowing the dyn_dyn_cast! macro to dynamically look up the metadata corresponding to a particular trait object. This metadata is then reattached to the pointer using the unstable ptr_metadata feature to create a reference to the derived trait object type.


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