#plugin #dynamic #generic


Provides support for 'Dynamic Generic PlugIns', library based plugins for Rust

5 releases

0.1.5 Jul 23, 2021
0.1.4 Jul 23, 2021
0.1.3 Jul 22, 2021
0.1.2 Jul 22, 2021
0.1.0 Jul 16, 2021

#2992 in Rust patterns

MIT license

535 lines

Crate dygpi

Provides support for Dynamic Generic PlugIns, library based plugins for Rust.

MIT License Minimum Rust Version crates.io docs.rs Build Audit GitHub stars




Version 0.1.5

  • Changed the PluginManager API to take Path and PathBuf values not strings for library names.

Version 0.1.4

  • Added public function to make dylib file names.
  • Reworked Github action and test cases for non-macos platforms.

Version 0.1.3

  • Moved the PluginRegistrar struct from the manager to plugin module; this seems cleaner from a client perspective.

Version 0.1.2

  • Added the ability to override the registration function name, this allows for multiple plugin types in a single host.
  • Fixed the E2E example, added a simple run script.

Version 0.1.1

  • Internal change to use search_path crate for library resolution.
  • Added Github action config.

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial commit.

