14 releases (8 breaking)

0.11.0 Nov 17, 2022
0.10.2 Jul 13, 2022
0.9.0 Jun 1, 2022
0.8.1-alpha1 Jan 25, 2022
0.3.0 Mar 30, 2021

#1553 in Command line utilities



Release (latest SemVer) Build Matrix

drg : Drogue cloud command line tool

A Command line tool for managing apps and devices in a drogue cloud instance.


Install from sources

Via crates.io:

cargo install drg

Download a release

Download the latest release from the github release page and place it somewhere in your $PATH.

Note: Debian users must install the libssl1.1 package.


brew tap drogue-iot/drg
brew install drg


sudo snap install drogue-cli
sudo snap alias drogue-cli drg


Log in to a drogue cloud instance

In order to use drg to manage resources in drogue cloud you first need to authenticate :

drg login https://drogue-cloud-api-endpoint

Then follow the steps to authenticate. drg will generate a config file to save your configuration.

You can also use a refresh token to authenticate, suitable when the browser can't be accessed:

drg login https://drogue-cloud-api-endpoint --token <refresh_token>

Managing resources

drg interacts with resources existing in drogue-cloud, currently apps and devices operations are supported. The following operations are handled :

  • create
  • delete
  • edit
  • get
  • list

Create resources

# Create an app 
drg create app <appId>
# adding data
drg create app <appId> -d `{"foo":"bar"}`

# Create a device
drg create device <deviceId> --app <appId>    # --app and -a are interchangeable
# Add some data
drg create device <deviceId> -a <appId> -d `{"foo":"bar"}`

Read resources

# Read an app
drg get appp <appId>
# Get a list of apps
drg get apps

# Read a device
drg get device <deviceId> --app <appId>
# Get a list of devices
drg get devices --app <appId>

Note: list support adding labels for filtering results:

      # Get a list of devices (here all 3 labels will be applied.
      drg get apps -l key=value,foo=bar --label fiz!=buz

Edit and delete resources

# edit an app - this will open an editor. 
drg edit app <appId>

# update an app providing the data
drg edit app <appId> -f </path/to/json>

# Edit a device data - this will open an editor
drg edit device <deviceId> --app <appId>

# update a device providing the data
drg edit device <deviceId> -a <appId> -f </path/to/json>

# Delete an app 
drg delete app <appId>

# Delete a device 
drg delete device <deviceId> - <appId>

# Quickly add a gateway, credentials or alias to a device
drg set gateway foo bar # set device bar as a gateway for device foo
drg set password foo verysecret --username johndoe #username is optional here
drg set alias foo waldo # Add waldo as an alias for device foo.

Send commands to devices

# Using the context default app
drg cmd <command> <deviceId>
# Specifying the app and an opionnal payload
drg cmd <command> <deviceId> -a myApp -p '{"foo":"bar"}'
# Reading the payload from a file 
drg cmd <command> <deviceId> -a myApp -f /path/to/json

Configuration file

drg will load cluster settings from the default context of a configuration file. The DRGCFG environment variable can point to a config file location. The default config file location is $HOME/.config/drg_config.yaml. This default value will be used if the environment variable is not set. This location can be overriden with the --config argument :

drg --config path/to/config create device <deviceId> --app <appId>

To get a working config file, run see login to a drogue cloud instance

Context management

A valid configuration can contain multiple context allowing you to switch between cluster easily. To create a new context simply log into a cluster with drg login : login to a drogue cloud instance If it's the first context created for this configuration file it will be set as active by default.

To update the active context for a config file :

drg context set-active <contextId>

Here are some other commads available to manage contexts :

drg context show #will display the whole config file. 
drg context list
drg context set-default-app <appId> #will use active context
drg context set-default-app <appId> --context <anotherContextId>
drg context delete <contextId> 
drg context rename <contextId> <newContextId>

context and app can be set with environment variables : DRG_CONTEXT and DRG_APP.

Trust-anchor management

x.509 certificates can be used to authenticate devices in Drogue Cloud. To do this, the application object needs to contain a root CA certificate, and the intended user must have its private key. This cert+key pair is used to sign device cert+key pair.

drg create app-cert --application <appId> --key-output <path/to/app-private.key>

Here, --key-output is the output file for root CA private key, and it needs to be saved and stored securely.

Once Trust-anchor is set, we can use it to sign device certificates, for example:

drg create device-cert <deviceId> --app <appId> --ca-key <app-private-key> --cert_output <filename> --key-output <filename>

Here, --ca-key is the input file for root CA private key file. --cert_output is the output file for device certificate. --key-output is the output file for device private key.

When a device certificate is signed, the common name of the certificate will be added for the device. so the certificate can be used for authentication.

If you know from the get go that you will use a certificate for a deviice you can create it with the `--cert flag:

drg create device foo --cert

This will create an alias : "CN=, O=Drogue IoT, OU=" for the device.

Consume events from drogue-cloud

You can see the stream of events for a drogue-cloud application using :

drg stream --app <appId>
# or if you have a default application set in your context :
drg stream


You can create and manage access tokens with the admin subcommand :

drg create token 
drg create token --description "some text"
drg get token 
drg delete token <prefix>

Drg can also transfer apps ownership and manage apps members :

drg create member <user> --role reader --application <app>
drg get member
drg edit member

#Transfer operations
drg transfer init <newOwnerUSername> --application <appId>
drg transfer cancel
# The new owner can accept the transfer :
drg transfer accept <app>


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