#workflow-engine #transition #runner #net #distributed #petri


Distributed petri net runner as workflow engine

3 releases

0.1.2 Jan 6, 2025
0.1.1 Jan 6, 2025
0.1.0 Jan 4, 2025

#2 in #petri

MIT license

2.5K SLoC

DiPeN - Distributed Petri Net runner

This crate implements a distributed runner to use petri nets as a workflow engine, that is, driving real workflows, not just simulating them.

The petri net differs from the classical petri net in multiple areas:

  • Tokens are colored: Tokens can have arbitrary data attached to them.
  • Transitions are timed: You are expected to write asynchronous code to be executed when a transition is firing.
  • Transition have arbitrary guard expressions: You can write any logic you want to decide whether a transition can be fired.

If the last paragraph sounded like gibberish to you, read the Petri Net section for an introduction on DiPeN's version of petri nets. Otherwise, you can skip this and continue with Getting Started.

Petri Net

A petri net is a graph that has two node types: places and transitions. A transition and a place can be connected with an arc, there are no connections between two places or between two transitions.

A simple example might look like this,

where places are represented as circles, the transition is represented as a rectangle and arcs are represented as arrows. One arc is going into the transition, the place on the left is also referred to as 'input place' for that transition. Accordingly, the place on the right is an 'output place', as the arc is outgoing.

The current state is represented by tokens. In DiPeN, each token is different and you can attach arbitrary data to it. This is also known as a 'colored' Petri net.

Tokens are represented as small dots, e.g. the starting state for our example net could look like this,

with two tokens on the left place.

Petri nets progress by firing transitions. The transition in the middle might have some logic to decide that it can fire, if there is at least one token on an input place. This logic is something you would implement for every transition when using this library. This is also called a 'guard expression'.

When the transition starts firing, it can decide to take tokens from its input place, lets assume it takes one token, then we end up with the following state,

where one token is placed on the transition. Note that we also show an empty circle on the input place. In DiPeN it is possible to still see tokens that are currently being used in a transition from their original places.

The firing of a transition is represented as an async function in the code and is it up to you how to implement that. Transitions may take some time to complete, this is known as a 'timed transition'. At the end of the firing process, a transition can place the token it has taken from the input place and put it into anoutput place. It could also destroy the token or create new ones, but let us assume the token is moved, we end up with,

where the token is on the output place and not accessible from the input place or the transition anymore.

The transition may fire a second time and move the second token, resulting in a final state of

In DiPeN we have 5 different arc types you can use:

  • In: An incoming arc, the transition can use the attached place and its tokens to decide whether it should fire. When starting to fire, it can take tokens from this place
  • Out: An outgoing arc, the transition can place tokens here when it finishes firing. Those token can be from input places or they can be newly created ones.
  • Cond: The transition can decide whether to fire based on the attached place and its tokens, but no tokens are moved from or to this place.
  • InOut: A combination of the incoming and outgoing arc. Tokens can be taken and placed here.
  • OutCond: A combination of an outgoing arc with a condition. The state of the attached place and its tokens can be used to decide whether to fire and tokens can be placed here, but no tokens can be taken.

Getting Started

The minimal example below implements the following net:

The transition fires only if the output place is empty. If it fires, it places a token on the output place.


async fn main() -> PetriResult<()> {
    // shutdown token is passed to the runner. You need to cancel it to
    // stop the runner
    let shutdown_token = CancellationToken::new();

    // set up petri net
    let mut net = net::PetriNetBuilder::default();
    net.insert_place(net::Place::new("pl", true));
    net.insert_transition(net::Transition::new("tr", "test-region"));
    net.insert_arc(net::Arc::new("pl", "tr", net::ArcVariant::OutCond, ""))?;
    let net = Arc::new(net);

    // set up transition executors for each transition
    let mut executors = ExecutorRegistry::new();
    // PlaceNew is the transition defined below
    // Note: you could reuse the same implementation
    // for multiple different transitions in the net.
    executors.register::<PlaceNew>("tr", None);

    // configure etcd connection
    let config = ETCDConfigBuilder::default()
        .prefix("doctest-01/") // all etcd keys are prefixed with that.
        .node_name("node1") // to identify the node in logs / on the etcd server
        .region("test-region") // must match your transition regions
    let etcd = ETCDGate::new(config);

    dipen::runner::run(net, etcd, executors, shutdown_token.clone()).await

// Implement the PlaceNew transition
pub struct PlaceNew {
    pl_out: net::PlaceId, // the place to create the token

impl TransitionExecutor for PlaceNew {
    // Called in the beginning for every transition in the net that is
    // associated with this executor to check for misconfigurations.
    fn validate(ctx: &impl dipen::exec::ValidateContext) -> ValidationResult
        Self: Sized,
        // check if the transition can work with the configured arcs.
        // If it cannot, return a reason.
        if ctx.arcs().count() == 1
           && ctx.arcs_out().count() == 1
           && ctx.arcs_cond().count() == 1
        } else {
            ValidationResult::failed("Need exactly one conditional outgoing arc!")

    // After validation, an instance is created for every transition in the net.
    // This function should not fail, check all preconditions in `validate`.
    fn new(ctx: &impl dipen::exec::CreateContext) -> Self
        Self: Sized,
        let pl_out = ctx.arcs_out().next().unwrap().place_context().place_id();
        Self { pl_out }

    // Called to check if the transition can fire.
    // If it can fire, the result should contain all the tokens this transition
    // wants to take.
    // Note: this is called multiple times, even if `result.enabled()` is called.
    // Currently at least two times: First to check if it can fire with the
    // current local state of the runner, then again after acquiring locks on all
    // the input places.
    fn check_start(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &mut impl dipen::exec::StartContext
    ) -> CheckStartResult {
        let result = CheckStartResult::build();
        if ctx.tokens_at(self.pl_out).count() > 0 {
            // already a token placed, do not run
            return result.disabled(None, None);
        // no token found, run this transition

        // Note: You can store data on your transition, but only use it for the
        // next run.

    // Called when the transition actually started firing. At this point, tokens
    // are booked to the transition and can be accessed with the context.
    // The result should list all moved / newly created tokens.
    // Tokens that were taken but not placed in this function, are automatically
    // deleted after the `run` method finishes.
    async fn run(&mut self, _ctx: &mut impl dipen::exec::RunContext) -> RunResult {
        let mut result = RunResult::build();
        // place a single newly created token on the output place
        result.place_new(self.pl_out, "newly created".into());


The current implementation does roughly the following:

  • build a reduced petri net, only containing the region we want to run
  • call exec::TransitionExecutor::validate on all transitions, stopping with an error in case of a failure
  • connect to etcd
  • try to become elected leader for the given region - this ensures only one runner is active for a region. It also allows to start multiple runners and a second one will immediatly start as soon as the first one revokes or looses its etcd lease.
  • spawn a transition runner for each transition in the net, which does:
    • cancel a running transition. We are not yet running. If a transition is running according to etcd, it is cancelled and all the tokens are placed back on their input place. In a node crash this results in a transition firing a second time, probably with exactly the same data. It is a good idea to have this in mind when writing a exec::TransitionExecutor::run method. Ideally the method would be idempotent.
    • create a transition instance using exec::TransitionExecutor::new
    • on every change of one of the condition or input arcs for this transition, run exec::TransitionExecutor::check_start. Note: As an optimization, check_start can return a specific place to watch. In this case only changes on that place trigger a recheck.
    • if we can start, acquire a distributed lock to the places connected with conditional or input arcs and run check_start again, possibly with a different state.
    • If we can still run, take the tokens indicated by the result of the check_start function, using the fencing tokens from the acquired locks to ensure we are allowed to do so.
    • release the locks (at least locally, see note below)
    • Call exec::TransitionExecutor::run
    • Use the return value to move / create tokens on etcd, again by acquiring locks on the output places and using the fencing tokens to ensure we are allowed to place tokens.
    • Loop: check for changes on the connected conditional or input places again.

Note that acquiring distributed locks takes a while. To optimize this, the acquired locks are not given back until some other runner requests them. For all places that are only used within one runner, the locks are only taken once. There still is local locking between the different transition tasks, but this is much faster than communicating with etcd.

Another optimization concerns places at boundaries between regions. Assume that the following part of a net,

runs on two different runners. The transitions on the left are in one region, the transitions on the right in another one.

Normally, everytime a token is passed from the left to the right region, the transition in the left region needs to acquire a lock before placing the token and afterwards the region on the right needs a lock to take the token.

However, the output locking is unnecessary, if this place were to be used like a queue, that is, the transitions on the right only ever take the oldest token from the place. In this case, the transitions on the right do exactly the same, even if another token were to be added to the place. Even if this token is added while the right region holds the place's lock.

To facilitate that, output locking can be disabled for individual places. Only do this if it does not introduce any logic problems. Always check: For every transition taking tokens from this place, running check_start should give the same result, even if additional tokens were to be placed.


Single node

Uses N identical copies of the following net:

Transition 'I' fires in the beginning and places a token on 'P1' with a number value. 'T1' and 'T2' always take this single token, reduce the number by 1 and place it on their output place. When the value is down to 0, 'I' takes the token away again.

The benchmark starts when all the 'I' transitions run for the first time (synchronised with a barrier). Benchmark ends when the 'I' transitions fire for the second time (synchronized with a barrier again).

etcd is running locally with a single node. Real deployments would have multiple etcd notes that need to communicate, so changes would need more time, i.e. a chain of transitions that need to happen one after the other (as in the example net) are likely much slower. Furthermore, real transitions would likely have side effects, which need time to be executed.


Note that the single-node benchmark above never measures acquiring a lock from etcd.

When running a single net as shown above, but with 'T1' and 'T2' in different regions, throughput drops to ~5 transitions/s on my machine. One transition requires two lock changes (input and output place) so it currently costs roughly 100 ms to change the lock owner between different runners.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600 CPU @ 3.10GHz (6 cores)
SSD: Corsair Force MP510


~186K SLoC