#client-server #state #synchronization #hash #request #up #last

yanked diffsync

Structures to keep clients up to date with a server, with the client initiating the synchronization, and the server keeping track of different clients last known state

0.1.1 Apr 11, 2023
0.1.0 Apr 4, 2023

#41 in #last

34 downloads per month

MIT license

249 lines


Client and Server model based upon the idea that clients requests synchronization from the server, and the server then supplies the clients with a diff to get a completely synchronized state


use std::collections::BTreeMap;

use diff::Diff;
use diffsync::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Diff, Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Default)]
#[diff(attr(#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]))]
pub struct Data {
    pub data: BTreeMap<u32, String>,

fn main() {
    // clients request updates from the server, after each request,
    // the state should be equal, and it should not be a full update
    // for subsequent requests
    let mut client1 = Client::<Data, u32>::with_id(1337);
    let mut server: Server<Data, u32> = Server::default();

    println!("Creating client with id {}", client1.id());
    println!("Creating 100 values serverside");
    for i in 0..100 {
        server.state.data.insert(i, format!("String {i}"));

    let request = client1.update_request();
    // serialize for some kind of transport, lets try json
    let request = serde_json::to_string(&request).unwrap();

    // #####################
    // Transportation of packet from client to server left as an excersize to the implementer
    // #####################

    let request = serde_json::from_str(&request).unwrap();

    // get the diff between the server and the client
    let clientdiff = server.get_client_diff(request);

    let clientdiff = serde_json::to_string(&clientdiff).unwrap();
    let complete_update_size = clientdiff.len();

    // #####################
    // Transportation of packet from server to client left as an excersize to the implementer
    // #####################

    let clientdiff = serde_json::from_str(&clientdiff).unwrap();

    println!("Client applying update");

    // then if the data changes on the server, the clientdiff will be smaller
    println!("modifying 10/100 entires server state");
    for i in 0..10 {
        server.state.data.insert(i, format!("String {i}"));

    let request2 = client1.update_request();
    // serialize for some kind of transport, lets try json
    let request2 = serde_json::to_string(&request2).unwrap();

    // #####################
    // Transportation of packet from client to server left as an excersize to the implementer
    // #####################

    let request2 = serde_json::from_str(&request2).unwrap();

    // get the diff between the server and the client
    let clientdiff2 = server.get_client_diff(request2);

    let clientdiff2 = serde_json::to_string(&clientdiff2).unwrap();
    let diff_update_size = clientdiff2.len();

    // #####################
    // Transportation of packet from server to client left as an excersize to the implementer
    // #####################
    let clientdiff2 = serde_json::from_str(&clientdiff2).unwrap();
    println!("Client applying update again");

        "Complete update json size (chars): {}",
    println!("Partial update json size  (chars): {}", diff_update_size);


~25K SLoC