deno_runtime is used at run time in 37 crates (of which 4 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 25 crates. It's used at build time in 1 crate.

Number of dependers deno_runtime version Downloads/month
3 0.204.0 180
1 0.201.0 2.5K
5 0.198.0 320
1 0.189.0 39
1 0.183.0 9
5 0.177.0 600
1 0.168.0 0
1 0.160.0 0
1 0.155.0 0
2 0.147.0 0
2 0.132.0 0
2 0.120.0 0
1 0.104.0 0
2 0.76.0 0
1 0.65.0 0
1 0.44.0 0
1 0.22.2 0
2 0.10.1 7
1 0.9.3 0
4 0.5.0 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) deno_runtime version
3.5K 1 deno_lib ^0.204.0
3.3K 2 deno ^0.204.0
1.1K 1 deno_snapshots build ^0.204.0
1.4K 4 rustyscript optional ^0.189.0
260 tauri-plugin-deno ^0.201
160 2 pjs-rs ^0.198.0
deno_3p_lib ^0.76.0
quench ^0.10
deno_cli_lib_windmill ^0.104.0
1 vl-convert-rs ^0.177.0
naps ^0.44.0
1 ad4m-executor ^0.132.0
easyops_deno ^0.22.0
basejmp ^0.160.0
basic_deno_ts_module_loader ^0.120.0
deno_cli_lib ^0.10.1
subshell ^0.65.0
1 thousand_birds_deno ^0.177.0
tanxium ^0.183.0
cli_lib ^0.76.0
jsandbox ^0.168.0
clarinet =0.9.3
deno_error_mapping ^0.120.0
1 wild-doc-script-deno ^0.147.0
2 zap-buildscript ^0.5
rustjs ^0.155.0