#json #csv #convert-json #tool #cli #cli-tool #data

app datamorph

Utilit CLI for transfering CSV to JSON

2 stable releases

1.0.1 Jan 23, 2020
1.0.0 Jan 22, 2020

#51 in #convert-json

25 downloads per month

MIT license

183 lines


Datamorph is a utiltiy cli tool that takes a csv file and converts it to json. This tool was created because a DB IDE can generally get you CSV of your data really quickly but tends to be slower and problematic when getting JSON of the same data especially at higher record counts.


Basic usage is providing a csv and getting a json of the same name in the same directory

cargo install datamorph

datamorph some.csv
# ./some.json


Output:    -o someOther.json  (provide a new name to output)
LowerCase: -l                 (set all the headers to lowercase)
Pretty:    -p                 (set the json to generate pretty)


~167K SLoC