Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.2 Jul 19, 2020
0.0.1 Jul 9, 2020

#32 in #wasm-pack

Used in create-cwf-app

MIT license

305 lines

Cwf is a front end web language implemented with Rust procedural macros.

To install, you will need:

  1. rustc/cargo
  2. node/npm
  3. wasm-pack


git clone --recurse-submodules
cd cascading-wasm-framework

For windows users, run in the root directory:

rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

Understanding the Code

Execution Steps

The code is divided at a high level into 4 parts:

  1. Parse

  2. Macro

  3. Page Initialization

  4. Execution

  5. First, the cwf syntax is parsed into data structures that Rust can work with. Both the data structures and the rules for parsing are in src/

  6. Next, the data structures are turned into Rust code by the proc_macro defined in src/ This logic is the code OUTside of quote! {} blocks, and the code INside of those blocks eventually runs in a browser.

  7. Some of the code in the quote! {} blocks belongs to the 3rd group, and sets up the components and data bindings on a page when it is launched.

  8. Though not entirely distinct from the initialization step, the rest of the code can be thought of as running as the page is in use, especially code triggered by event listeners.

Integration Tests

./tests has a collection of cwf examples that render different features. Currently, they just check to see that the examples compile.


~46K SLoC