1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Jun 2, 2023 |
#19 in #ctf
86 lines
A CLI tool for CTF a lot of tools combination
cargo install ctf_party
CTF Tools and discription:
alternatecase: Change one characte on two upcase and the other downcase
bin2hex: Encode an binary string to a hexadecimal string
bin2str: Alias for from_bin
dec2hex: Encode an decimal string to a hexadecimal string
dec2str: Alias for from_dec
defang_domain: Defang domain name
defang_email: Defang email address
defang_ip: Defang IP address
defang_uri: Defang URI
from_b64: Decode the string from base64
from_bin: Decode a binary string
from_dec: Decode a decimal string (decimal to hexadecimal then hexadecimal to string)
from_hex: Decode a hexadecimal string
from_hexip: Decode a hexadecimal IP string into a dotted decimal one
hex2bin: Encode an hexadecimal string to a binary string
hex2dec: Encode an hexadecimal string to a decimal string
hex2str: Alias for from_hex
htmlescape: HTML escape the string
htmlunescape: HTML unescape the string
istrip: Remove leading and trailing whitespace but also all inner whitespace
leet: Transform into leet speak (l337 5p34k)
md5: Calculate the md5 hash of the string
randomcase: Change the case of characters randomly
refang_domain: Refang domain name
refang_email: Refang email address
refang_ip: Refang IP address
refang_uri: Refang URI
rmd160: Calculate the RIPEMD-160 hash of the string
rot13: Encrypt / Decrypt the string with Caesar cipher with a shift of 13
sha1: Calculate the sha1 hash of the string
sha2: Calculate the sha2 hash of the string
sha2_256: Alias for sha2 with bitlen of 256
sha2_384: Alias for sha2 with bitlen of 384
sha2_512: Alias for sha2 with bitlen of 512
str2bin: Alias for to_bin
str2dec: Alias for to_dec
str2hex: Alias for to_hex
to_b64: Encode the string into base64
to_bin: Encode a string into binary
to_dec: Encode a string into decimal (string to hexadecimal then hexadecimal to decimal)
to_hex: Encode a string into hexadecimal
to_hexip: Encode a dotted decimal IP into a hexadecimal one
urldecode: URL-decode the string
urldecode_component: URL-decode the URL component string
urlencode: URL-encode the string
urlencode_component: URL-encode the URL component string