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0.5.4 Dec 4, 2021
0.5.0 Jun 3, 2020

#154 in Procedural macros




Inline Python code directly in your Rust code.


use inline_python::python;

fn main() {
    let who = "world";
    let n = 5;
    python! {
        for i in range('n):
            print(i, "Hello", 'who)

How to use

Use the python!{..} macro to write Python code directly in your Rust code.

NOTE: Rust nightly toolchain is required. Feature proc_macro_span is still unstable, for more details check out issue #54725 - Tracking issue for proc_macro::Span inspection APIs

Using Rust variables

To reference Rust variables, use 'var, as shown in the example above. var needs to implement pyo3::ToPyObject.

Re-using a Python context

It is possible to create a Context object ahead of time and use it for running the Python code. The context can be re-used for multiple invocations to share global variables across macro calls.

let c = Context::new();

c.run(python! {
  foo = 5

c.run(python! {
  assert foo == 5

As a shortcut, you can assign a python!{} invocation directly to a variable of type Context to create a new context and run the Python code in it.

let c: Context = python! {
  foo = 5

c.run(python! {
  assert foo == 5

Getting information back

A Context object could also be used to pass information back to Rust, as you can retrieve the global Python variables from the context through Context::get.

let c: Context = python! {
  foo = 5

assert_eq!(c.get::<i32>("foo"), 5);

Syntax issues

Since the Rust tokenizer will tokenize the Python code, some valid Python code is rejected. The two main things to remember are:

  • Use double quoted strings ("") instead of single quoted strings ('').

    (Single quoted strings only work if they contain a single character, since in Rust, 'a' is a character literal.)

  • Use //-comments instead of #-comments.

    (If you use # comments, the Rust tokenizer will try to tokenize your comment, and complain if your comment doesn't tokenize properly.)

Other minor things that don't work are:

  • Certain escape codes in string literals. (Specifically: \a, \b, \f, \v, \N{..}, \123 (octal escape codes), \u, and \U.)

    These, however, are accepted just fine: \\, \n, \t, \r, \xAB (hex escape codes), and \0

  • Raw string literals with escaped double quotes. (E.g. r"...\"...".)

  • Triple-quoted byte- and raw-strings with content that would not be valid as a regular string. And the same for raw-byte and raw-format strings. (E.g. b"""\xFF""", r"""\z""", fr"\z", br"\xFF".)

  • The // and //= operators are unusable, as they start a comment.

    Workaround: you can write ## instead, which is automatically converted to //.

Everything else should work fine.


Execute Python code at compile time to generate Rust code.


use ct_python::ct_python;

static SIN_2: f64 = ct_python! {
    from math import sin

ct_python! {
    print("type num = f64;")

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(num::sin(2.0), SIN_2);

How to use

Use the ct_python!{..} macro to generate Rust code from an embedded Python script. The output of the script (print() and anything else through sys.stdout) is captured, and will be parsed as Rust code.

Python Errors

Any syntax errors or runtime exceptions from the Python code will be reported by the Rust compiler as compiler errors.

Syntax issues

Since the Rust tokenizer will tokenize the Python code, some valid Python code is rejected. See the inline-python documentation for details.


~55K SLoC