1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.0 Mar 17, 2017

#11 in #csr


141 lines


Latest Version


A SSL CSR generator written in Rust. Provides both an easy to use command line program, along with a library that can be reused in other applications.


To install, run:

cargo install csr-gen

Then create a configuration file, similar to:


"csr1.csr" = ["example.com","www.example.com"]

You can specify multiple csrs to be created from a single private key in the configuration file. To generate the csrs, run:

csr-gen -c myconfig.toml

Afterwards, a new csr in csr1.csr will be present. You can then submit the csr to your certificate authority for signing. These csrs have been tested against Let's Encrypt.


# Cargo.toml
toml = "0.3"

The library provides a Config struct that can be filled in with the appropriate information. You can then call Config::generate_csrs, passing it the path to a folder to generate the csrs in along with the private key to generate the csr with.


csr-gen is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).

See LICENSE-APACHE, and LICENSE-MIT for details.


~110K SLoC