#jit #cranelift #cretonne #codegen #compiler #wasm #aot-compilation

yanked cretonne-simplejit

A simple JIT library backed by Cretonne

Uses old Rust 2015

0.13.2 Jul 14, 2018
0.12.0 Jun 16, 2018

#6 in #cretonne

33 downloads per month


35K SLoC

Rust 26K SLoC // 0.1% comments Python 9K SLoC // 0.4% comments Shell 15 SLoC // 0.3% comments INI 4 SLoC

Cretonne has been renamed to Cranelift! For future versions, see the cranelift-simplejit crate.

This crate provides a simple JIT library that uses Cretonne.

This crate is extremely experimental.


Top-level lib.rs for cretonne_simplejit.


~66K SLoC