#color #style #text-style #text-color #console #traits #color-txt


Add the ablity to print colored text to the console

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 28, 2022

#16 in #text-style

Custom license

244 lines


Colored and or styled text that may be printed to the console.

Contains the text to be printed, the color selected, and Styles added. To initialize a ColorTxt, one only needs to call either coloriser or styliser on a String or &str.


// import trait and structs
use couleur::{Couleur, Colors, Styles};

fn main() {
    // define ColorTxt with color and add style
    let color_text = "Hello, World!".coloriser(Colors::Red)

    // define ColorTxt with style and add color
    let style_text = "Hello, World!".styliser(Styles::Bold)

    // color_text and style_text will be the same
    assert_eq!(color_text, style_text);

Color or style may be omitted. In such a case, the omitted field will resort to the default i.e. uncolored text or no style.

Multiple styles can be added to a ColorTxt:

# use couleur::{Couleur, Colors, Styles};
let text = "Hello, World!".coloriser(Colors::Blue)

In the above example, the styles Bold and Underline are added to a UniqueVec<Styles> maintained by the ColorTxt. This insures that each style is only accounted for one time.

No runtime deps