#cosmwasm #blockchain #smart-contracts #api-bindings #env-file #env-var


Stripting library for deploying and interacting with CosmWasm smart-contracts

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 10, 2022

#64 in #env-file

29 downloads per month
Used in cw-plus-script



Cosmos Script

A Rust gRPC-based scripting library.

Environment variables

These env variables might contain sensitive information (like a mnemonic phrase). I am not responsible for your security practices.

A new chain/network scaffold will be automatically generated when you try to run a script with unknown .env values.

Entry Description
CHAIN Name of the chain you're targeting (juno, terra, osmosis, ...)
NETWORK The kind of network you are targeting (local, testnet, mainnet)
DEPLOYMENT Name of the targeted deployment group
RUST_LOG Debug level for logging
WASM_DIR Directory path that holds optimized .wasm builds
STORE File that stores network info and state
LOCAL_MNEMONIC Mnemonic used when NETWORK="local"
TEST_MNEMONIC Mnemonic used when NETWORK="testnet"
MAIN_MNEMONIC Mnemonic used when NETWORK="mainnet"
LOCAL_MULTISIG Multisig addr used when NETWORK="local"
TEST_MULTISIG Multisig addr used when NETWORK="testnet"
MAIN_MULTISIG Multisig addr used when NETWORK="mainnet"


  1. Create a new dir + workspace to hold the scripts and the generated executable binaries.
    $ mkdir my_scripts
    $ cd my_scripts
    $ cargo init --bin
  2. Clone the example.env file to your scripting workspace and rename it to .env. Update the values as required and make sure .env is included in your .gitignore file!
  3. Next, copy the default_store.json and add whatever chain you want.
  4. In order to start using cosm-script you need to add the package as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file. (TODO: upload to crates.io)
    cosm-script = {git = "", tag = "v1.0.0"}

Your layout should then look something like this

├─ src/
│  ├─ bin/
│  │  ├─ first_stript.rs
│  │  ├─ // My actual scripts
│  ├─ main.rs
├─ default_store.json
├─ .env
├─ Cargo.toml

You can then add a custom library, similar to cw-plus-script, that holds your custom contract interface definitions.

See the cw-20 example


~702K SLoC