#thread #worker #worker-thread

yanked cooks

Squad of cooks ready to cook your data

Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.3 Feb 23, 2015
0.0.2 Feb 10, 2015
0.0.1 Feb 4, 2015

#7 in #workers

MIT license

379 lines


Squad of cooks ready to cook your data. (documentation)


Squad of cooks ready to cook your data.

You can use cooks directly on Vec or Iterator via Cookable trait. Also you can reuse once created cooks on Iterator and Vec via Cooks::cook and Cooks::cook_vec.

The case of losing data is when cook panicking while cooking it.

The case of main thread to panic is when it successfully recv cook's result but could not send him a new input, which, i think, is almost impossible. (Don't look like that, Mr. Murphy!).


You can call cook on Vec<Input> and it will block until you get Vec<Option<Output>> of cooked data in the same order.

In case of panicking cook he will be revived but you will get None in place of it's data.


You can call cook on Iterator<Input> and you will get Dishes, which is Iterator<Output>. Call of next on it will block until some cook finished cooking. There is no guarantees about the order of returned data.

Panicking cooks will be revived, but data will be lost.

No runtime deps