#ai #connect4 #logic #game #containing #otto #toot

bin+lib connect4-lib

A library containing logic and AI for connect4 and Toot and Otto

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 14, 2020

#700 in Games

38 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates


946 lines

Connect 4 like games in rust


A lot of the AI stuff is based off this http://blog.gamesolver.org/solving-connect-four/01-introduction/

Server API

/signin: takes username and password, returns JWT

/refresh: takes in JWT returns new JWT

/creategame: takes in description of game, and JWT, returns gameid

/playmove: takes in description of move, gameid, and JWT, returns new gamestate

/getgame: takes in gameid, JWT, and returns gamestate


~59K SLoC